Fog, Crane, Parking, and the Corner

 Headed into work 
Tuesday, it was really

Check out the fog 
hiding part of the building.

Tennessee State Bird~
the crane!

Yep, sort of look alike.
Tall, skinny and 
the spike on top!!

could not help it.

If I get up in the morning, 
and move my rear, and
I get to work before 7am,
I can park across from my 
bldg in the state parking.
If I wait but I get there
around 11:30am, I can 
park there also.

However, if I don't make
it at any of those times I 
have to park two blocks
away in that state parking lot.
But then I have to walk 
up the hill.

Tuesday the lot was almost filled, like
before COVID. 
When you park in these big
lots in a different spot each time,
you tend to get confused and
forget where your car is. 
To prevent that I started parking 
in front of the ONLY
telephone pole in the lot.
That way I always know where
I am.
I will never forget the first few
days my old boss in printing
started working with us.
I walked down to the lot,
to see her standing at the top
of the steps (right at that
yellow rail) and looking for 
her car. I laughed as I went
by and said, "forgot where you parked"?
Back in those days I 
kept a US flag attached to my
antenna so I always found
my car then. That was before
I got wise and found the pole!!

The corner of 5th and 
Charlotte, this is where I 
stood one day and watched
President Jimmy Carter ride
down Charlotte in a 

That building you see in the
pic is the Andrew Jackson 
bldg. I went to work
there in 78 in the 
printing division.  

Years later, I stood on that
same corner and looked
up to the roof of the
bldg across the street to see
National Guard with their 
guns standing watch...
that was after 9/11.

You know it is strange, I drive
up that way to the building I
work in now but today is 
the first time I thought of
those two events. 






Liz A. said…
Isn't there an app now for your phone where you can note where you parked? That would have been helpful back then (when smartphones didn't exist ;) But my people are weird. (I mean my family.) We tend to remember where we parked. We make a mental note of it when we go someplace with a large parking lot. I know this is unusual, but we're different like that.
Ann said…
I hate when I forget where I parked. There have been a couple times I'll go in a store and come out thinking my car is in one spot and find out I'm a row or so off. I must look like an idiot roaming around the lot with my cart.
Jeanie said…
I just hate driving in fog. Amazing, isn't it, how driving a spot can make us remember something that happened around then years before.
I've lost my car in parking lots before, it's a strange feeling.
Marie Smith said…
We have so much stored in our memory banks, I guess it can’t all be accessible the same time.
This was a very interesting post. You made me think of days long ago when my husband worked the day shift (still does) and I worked the swing shift. We had one car and I drove him to work (downtown) and we had to go past the Federal building where the OKC Bombing trial was going on. It broke my heart and still does today, that those families were out outside waiting to get into the courthouse. All the press and all the those sad families. I do not believe OKC had the attention people give to other cities where tragedy occurs. I had two dear friends who lost loved ones in that bombing. Oh the many stories I still know from that terrible Spring day. SO many people knew someone in that building that fateful day. I will never forget the names and faces of those lost.
I loved all your photos and little stories with each one. I often lose my car in crowded parking lots. So many people everywhere we go. When I was younger I had a canary yellow Dodge Swinger and I never lost that car.
It was great to see your blog. Thank you and I remember seeing your comment about your own home at another blog. I always wish we could have purchased my childhood home but we live in the suburbs in the metro area and both my husband and I grew up in our hometown, Pueblo, Colorado 120 miles way. sigh...
Have a good weekend. Thank you for sharing your photos and stories too.
Christine said…
Crazy looking bird!
Thank you for sharing your foggy ride and interesting parking stories and other events. Sounds like you've been working there for a long time! Parking lot issues are no fun...I know I am getting more and more challenged in remembering where we are parked, like at Walmart. Especially if hubby drops me off at the door and then goes and parks and I have no clue where it is and he doesn't tell me and lets me take the lead with the grocery cart and I am wandering around like a lost lamb before he remembers where he parked. It does help to at least TRY to get the same place in the same general area every time so at least we don't have to walk up and down every aisle before we find it. LOL. And so many cars/suv's look alike nowadays. From one Pam to another, I hope you have a blessed day and that you find your car just fine at the end of the day. :)
Darla M Sands said…
I'm always fascinated by what might trigger memories. The olfactory scent is the strongest, I've learned, and certain fragrances have brought back fond memories of my maternal grandparents or certain trips. :D Thank you for sharing your memories and that great photo of the parking lot. I have misplaced my car in real life as well as countless nightmares. lol

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