Boho Stylish Decor

Tuesday, the extra
snow melted on the 
roads....I went 
to the store 
It wore me out and 
all I did was walk
around the store
But I got out.
Oh yes, I am going
to be that person!!

sorry, had to!
However, I love
the room above!

I follow this page
on FB called
Boho Stylish.
I love their decor.

What do I love about the
above room...
the off white!
But, that is something I 
can not have.
The tree is cool.
I love exposed brick.
Just so comfy looking.

In this pic, I love
the windows.
The off white again. 
The layers on the 
Again, the softness and 
warmth, the comfy look.

The off white mixed
with the 
wood color. 
I like the wall decor.

The pic below leans
more to the white I think,
I am not a fan of
I lean to the off white.
Love that TREE.

Moving to the bedroom.
Lights and candles seems
to be a given in a
Boho room.

Out side...

I just love this style.


I need to lean to 
the off white more
in my style. 
Declutter is an
other thing I need
to work on.

Is there a certain color
you use in decorating
your home?



Marie Smith said…
Turquoise is our accent colour. I need to declutter the shelves in the living room. The grandkids art supplies, puzzles etc are there as well as my books. It needs a real clear-out.
Christine said…
Gorgeous photos
Betsy said…
I need to de clutter in a bad way. I collect too much. I like the off white too. I also love red or burgundy color. I may order some type of off white sofa cover for my living room I don't think I can do without color. I love these rooms but I know red would be there somewhere.
Liz A. said…
I see one of the pics has a large knitted blanket. Those are fun to do.

If you don't like white, you could always do that look with another color. It would be different, but a monochrome look does have the same feel... Well, probably not black. If you did it all in black, you'd get more of a goth feel, I think.
Sandee said…
I love all the rooms. All of them. Beautiful. So classy.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the furbabes. ♥
Jeanie said…
YOu're not alone. I'm going to be "that person" too!
Those rooms are all very pretty but with 6 cats we'd have to add about 20 scratchers!
Darla M Sands said…
Interesting images. I tend toward off-white and beige to show off artwork. :)
Ann said…
I like the looks of all these rooms but white and even off white would not survive well in my house.
Sally said…
Oh my goodness! Such beautiful rooms. I'd love that here. Now, I'm gonna put my thinking cap on! Thanks for sharing, Pam.


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