Skeletons, Skin Color and Tree Color

This couple could not wait till
Halloween to announce
their upcoming event!



Can you imagine a
tan on top of that
color skin?

Talking about color...
The trees in Tim's backyard
are popping. 
If I was Tim, this would
be a view I would miss
each fall.

We are making headway
on the packing up his

He finally did decide that
he is renting instead of
selling. That gives 
us more time to get
things done. 
The woman he talked
to about maybe selling
it wanted him to have
the house ready to show
come this Friday.
Just to two of us, it
was not happening. 

Oh well, my brother is
in the hospital so 
I am getting ready to 
go visit.

Hoping you all have
a great Sunday.



Christine said…
Renting sounds a good idea. Fun Halloween displays
Marie Smith said…
Hope your brother is okay, Pam!
I like the Halloween displays, and the colour of the trees is amazing.

All the best Jan
Those skeletons are so funny! I hope your brother is okay.
Ann said…
My ex husband had a friend who bought and rented houses. It can be a nightmare with the wrong people in there. Hope all goes well for your friend.
Darla M Sands said…
I enjoyed some decorated yards on a little drive through town yesterday. ~grin~ I'm sorry your brother is ill. ~hugs~

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