Friday morning....

8:30 pm


Christine said…
What! It's spring soon!
Liz A. said…
I can't tell. Is that good news or bad news.
Ann said…
Lets hope that's the last one and you can move into spring now.
Wow. Stay warm!
Rain said…
Keep warm Pam!!! ☺☺☺
Marie Smith said…
Doesn’t look right! It’s warming up here. We have exchanged weather.
Jeanie said…
I feel your pain.
Darla M Sands said…
Okay, I need to add something. You'll laugh. I didn't see your socked foot before scrolling down to leave my simple comment.

That fleeting glimpse registered as a man peering up from out of the frame. A second look cleared up my misunderstanding. ~snicker~ However cartoonish that upper 'face' looks full on, though, I had to go look at a wartime portrait of my late father-in-law and the resemblance is clear. Our brains' overactive facial recognition ability can be eerie.
Sandee said…
You have snow and we have rain. It's cold too. Oh well.

Have a fabulous day, Pam. ♥
Old Man Winter must really be in a bad mood!
Red Rose Alley said…
Well, I love the snow, so I'm smiling here. It will melt soon, and Spring will arrive. Stay warm, Pam. It rained here today.


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