Movies, and Weather
Saturday evening I
decided to watch
some movies.
I purchase movies
here and there for
no more then five bucks
but most are a buck.
I am not a big fan of
Nicolas Cage but
this looked interesting.
It was strange but
pretty good.
This next one,
a good movie,
another strange one
about different realms of
Now this next one...
really strange.
Nothing through out the
movie made sense....
the end.
And it was not at all
what I was expecting.
Got time to waste,
you might want to
watch this one.
I for one, did not
care for it.
Wednesday I went to work in
town. I put in 3.5
hours then went to the car
to go home, only
the car would not start.
Yep....and it was getting
warm out. I called
roadside that I have on
the car but it was going to
take 1.5 hours before
someone could come
jump start me and being in
a parking lot where people
were coming and going...
no one offered.
When I turned the switch it
made a ticking sound.
Figured it was the battery.
Popped the hood and there
was corrosion around
one connection.
Cleaned that off...still nothing.
Went back to the office
to wait.
When the truck was due
I walked back to the car.
Tried again. Nothing.
Then I got to thinking,
being I pulled in the spot and
there were cars on each side, we
were going to have to
push me out of the spot
so the jumper guy could
get to it.
I hit the switch again and
tried to see if I could get
the car in N. Worked fine
so I knew pushing the
car out would work.
Then I tried again after putting
car in park and it started.
Problem, I had over a 1/4
of a tank of gas when I parked.
It was registering zero to empty.
There was gas in the tank
cause it got me to the station
to fill it up.
Figuring when the battery
went dead or was not
connecting it wiped the
panel info out.
Got home ok.
Going to have battery checked
in a bit.
Anyway, on the way home
this is what was following
But I got home and pulled
in the drive, a couple of
droplets on me as I
went up the deck.
Got under the roof of the
deck and it started to rain
hard. Before I even got
to the back door to unlock it
this is what was happening.
Coming down so hard the
my buckets runneth over!
Timing was amazing on
this one....although
I have always liked getting
caught in a summer rain.
Instead of going out to
stand in the rain which
might have felt good,
I went in and took a nap.
Coffee is on and stay safe
The sky in that picture does look like it's ready to open up. Nice of it to wait until you got to the deck.