Class Reunion of 1980/81 - Young Whipper Snappers
Hanging outside the Hermitage Golf Course club house. I am gong to spare you by not posting a lot of pics of folks you will not even know but I will post some. But first the most important pics is of FOOD! This was the Mac and Cheese bar. I did not try that but only cause after eating a bite of this and that, I could not hold it. Looks amazing though. Roast. YUM. This was a ham and biscuit. Spinach cheese dip. Now, this would take more work than I would be willing to give but that is a slice of potatoe wrapped in bacon. IT WAS AMAZING! And the cheese plate speaks for itself. This is Mike. He grew up, up the street from me. He took over the family buisness of plumbing. I posted this pic to tell you that although the name tag says Ken Overby, that is not KEN. This is Ken and his tag says Mike Gregory. Boys will be boys. This is the class of 80... the ones that came. My brother is a class of 80 but he didn't wish to attend t...