Two Rivers Mansion
Two Rivers Mansion is one of the last of the elaborate antebellum
country homes built in the Nashville area. It is one of the earliest
and best preserved of the ornate Italianate houses
in Middle TN. The Mansion was once part of 1100 acre
plantation. The plantation sits between Stones
River and Cumberland River, giving the
plantation the name, Two Rivers.
Two Rivers Mansion was built by David
McGavock in 1859 for his
bride William (Willie) Elizabeth Harding.
However due to the Civil War breaking out
the home was not finished till the 1870's.
Three generation of McGavock's lived in
the home. When the last family member
died the property was sold to Nashville
Metro Governement.
Two Rivers property was settled for the
first time in the 1790's, one of the
original owners was Andrew Jackson.
He setlled here before moving on to
the Hermitage. The mansion reflects
the taste, textures and colors of
the post war era. Today it remains a
centerpiece for gatherings, social
occasions, weddings, parties and
other special events.
When Metro bought the property,
Nashville set aside acres to develop
two schools, a golf course, park greenway,
water park, skate park, frisbie golf,
picnic area and other recreational space.
Beautiful home.
Come to Nashville and check it out.
Have a fabulous day, Pam. ♥
All the best Jan