Plants and Teeth

 Jeff picked up his piece Thursday.
He looked pleased. He said he was
and even asked me if I painted abstract.

This is what he posted on FB.

The picture just doesn’t do it justice. Much more vivid and bright in person.
Thanks so much Pam

Not my normal style of painting but then again
the one I just did was not either. So he is going to 
send me some samples to see what I can do.
This time he wants larger then 16x20 for the 
living room.

I goofed! 
Apparently since I dug up and moved
Sedum on to separate days I dug up
only the one color, the rusty red. 

Looking like I will have to work on requiring
the pinky purple color Sedum. 
Wonder if dude would care if I went
to the old house and pulled some up?

Now this is the vine that took over the fence!

Cypress vine, AKA 
Hummingbird vine.

So beautiful.
I was picking seeds off the other day
when I heard the familiar sound of 
Hummingbird wings.
I stepped around to the other
side of the plant and there it was.
It was 1/2 an arms length away 
from my face. It just flew 
around there, looking me in 
the face, then off it went. 

I felt blessed to see that.

WOW....I think the dentist working
on my dentures got carried


At Wally World the other day I 
saw this. Single twin sized 
sheets. Sold before Covid for 4.97
price has changed a bit too much
in a few months. 



The painting is lovely. The flowers are all pretty. I believe we will see an increase in price with many things.
Those are all really pretty photos, the flowers are so nice!
Darla M Sands said…
Your painting and that vine are awesome! Be well, my dear. And thank you for sharing some giggles.
Christine said…
Beautiful painting!
Liz A. said…
I don't see why you couldn't ask the new owner for a sample of your plant.
Ann said…
The painting looks great. I would go ahead and ask the new owner if you could have some of the sedum. What have you got to lose?
Yep, I would say your dentist got carried away on those
Rhodesia said…
I have got the darker sedum but I prefer yours!! Keep well, Diane
Jeanie said…
That sedum is a stunner. And so is that sheet price!

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