The Mower, Grass and Yard

In the post before this one
I shared my new yard art.

Image may contain: outdoor

Today I wanted to share a couple
of stories of  mowers like this~

When I was a child (kindergarten and
before) we would travel as
a family to visit my grandmother,
dads mom. My dad was from Arkansas
and we were settled in Nashville,
between his mom and mom's mom
in Georgia. I think I was around
kindergarten age when dads mom
past on. Being that young, only 
once a yr visits and her not being
what I would call the most friendly, 
her and I were not close. 

But I do remember her living in
this housing unit of like duplexes
and having a mower like this, 
course it was the 60's model at
that time. Her yard being small
we were allowed to cut the yard
with the mower. I remember thinking
that it was pretty cool at that time. 

Moving on to the next story~
Years ago a couple moved in 
the house behind/to the side 
of mom. Mom lived and I now
live on the corner lot. This couple
seemed to be a tad different, 
aren't we all. The guy bought
a electric mower. Now keep in 
mind these homes were built in 
the 50s/60s, that was when you
got a yard with the house. There
is great distance between homes,
yards are great size but parts of 
Hermitage Hills (subdivision name)
is built on HILLS. So he has a slight
hill in back. A bigger one in front. 
Watching him with a electric mower
on a med size yard and a hill has
been interesting to say the least.
But this yr he has changed mowers,
he is cutting with one like I just
got for YARD ART!!!! Talk about
interesting to watch! The last
two weeks he had gotten 
front and side done, back has
yet to be touched. Since the rain
is laying off it is not bad right now
but that can change fast. 

Memories- we moved into this
house in 66. It was one of 
the newer ones, just finished 
being built. No grass, dirt for
a yard, and lots of rocks. Every
weekend we all three were given
buckets and we had to go out in 
the yard and gather up rocks. Dads
thoughts were keeping said rocks
from messing up the mower. 
From there as I grew older
once a week the grass
had to be cut. We took turns.
Nothing like that hill with 
a push mower. No such thing
as a riding mower for us.
Then came the self propelled!
Wow....the memories. 

“The grass is greener where you water it.” -Neil Barringham


Christine said…
I have seen a manual mower in the neighbourhood, good exercise, they are cute.
Sandee said…
We had one of those mowers back in the day. Nothing easy about them at all.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the babes. ♥
The Dad used to cut the lawn with that yard art, twas one of his chores.
Liz A. said…
Mowing was never my job. My brother hated it. Did your neighbors have the electric mower with the cord? We had one of those for a while. Such a hassle.
Darla M Sands said…
Our neighbor mowed with one of those rotary mowers for many, many years. I don't think he gave it up due to age until I'd moved away. Memories, indeed. :)
CHERI said…
I remember us having one of those mowers when I was little. My brother was the one who mowed the yard...poor guy! I can remember seeing him push and push and sweat and sweat! We have a huge yard so sure am glad riding mowers were invented!!!
I can remember watching my dear Dad using one of those mowers …

All the best Jan
I definitely remember those mower's. I'm not sure if I ever pushed one. I'm guessing the guy wants to get more exercise!
Rain said…
Great memories Pam! :) I would love to find an old push mower. We have a gas powered one but it emits horrible this point we haven't bothered to mow though, we like things a little more "jungly"!! :)

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