Replies, Pain and Weather

It's reply to comment time ~
Sandra at 
comment on the fur babe blog
that cats are amazing at sleeping
any where. And if she curled her body up
to sleep in a spot that was the same size
as her bod, she would wake when she
fell to the floor!
Well Sandra, I am with you on that,
I flip and flop, stretch and curl up
all the time while I sleep. 

Image may contain: indoor
Diane at 
visited the fur babe blog and 
told Lily to take care of mom.
Diane, if you consider waking
mom several times a night
to be rubbed on, then she is
taking care of me just fine!
HAHA....actually, it is so 
relaxing to hear those purrs.

Debbi at Debbi's Front Porch
says that she loves the way
I hung things around the tv.
Image may contain: living room, screen and indoor

Thank you Debbi. I love my
Dogwood pic but unless
I wanted to hang it really
high I needed to hang it
to the side, but then I needed
to fill in the empty space on 
the rest of the wall. I picked
some of my photos to do that 

stated that she could not 
wait to get to Walmart for paint.
She (like me) has projects!!!
Awesome, can't wait to see
what you come up with. 

Sally at 
was commenting on my cedar
chest going coffee table,
she stated she had one that
belonged to her mom and it has
letters back and forth from 
her mom and dad during war
time. AWESOME. 

Christine over at
mentioned part of my quiz 
thing about owning a gun.
She said ~Maybe you own a that diplomatic 
answer! HAHA...Yep, I 
did that basically for FB.
Not always wise to post
if you own protection to
defend your home!

DMYC leaves nice 
comments but apparently
they are a reader (stalker..
haha) then I realize
that DMYC is Sandee! HAHA
thanks for the sweet comments.

Met my handyman at
the other house this
morn. Laid out things
to get done. I
need to get over there
and work tomorrow
cause there are some
things I have elected
to do and some I
am hiring done. 
Plus, I still have
stuff in the house and
Kevin, handyman,
cut my yard while

This evening assist
in a wedding.
Tomorrow morn
witness a wedding.

Couple of 
days. We went from 40
something to the next
day and the day after
at 80. Great feeling
and looking good today
also, but my 
body knows what is
I just wonder if
I could use my
body to make money
in telling the 

I want to share a health related book review with you written by my Chronic Illness Blogger friend Lydia over on her blog Being Lydia “I have been given this product as part of a product review thr…


Those were fun answers to those comments. We've had record high temps down here in SC, it's actually hot, hot, hot!
Christine said…
It's nice to get feedback from the comments isn't it? Thanks for sharing.
Rhodesia said…
You do make me laugh, yes I can go with that purring could be relaxing. When I had a Great Dane sleeping on my bed, I often used to wake up because I could not breathe, he just took over and seemed to think my chest was a good place to use as a pillow for us great head. You are lucky all weddings and baptisms cancelled here! Take care and stay safe, Diane
Darla M Sands said…
I'm so sorry there is no cure for your ills. ~hugs~ I am glad your handyman showed up! Our once reliable guy never returned to finish a job. Take care, and thanks for sharing these replies.
Rain said…
You're a human barometer should copyright yourself lol! :)
Liz A. said…
Perhaps a YouTube channel predicting the weather... Take care.
Ann said…
It's fun seeing some of these comments.
Jeanie said…
I like your replies. Glad you have had some good weather. I hope the rain/storms coming aren't too bad.

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