Me and the Past
Wednesday I took the day off from
work. Going to work Thursday and
Friday (not my normal day). Friday
will be the last day of one of our
photographers so I am going in
to work then go with the girls
out to lunch to say goodbye.
I needed to run in the Dollar
Store to pick something up
and I saw the cutest winter
hat, that of course I had to
put on.

I love when I am in this sort of
mood when shopping. I have been
known to do silly things....
I saw that, I saw your mouth drop
open at that comment!! haha
Anyway, after my day yesterday
with the memories and crying
spells and after locating the
pics of my daughter in her
ballet outfits, I proceeded
to look through some pics.
I had stuck this in my pics
years ago when mom gave
it to me.

Now I don't know about the size
of babies heads but I would say
that 12.5 is good! Nice size
for covering this
awesome brian.
I kept digging in the pics.
This is a copy of an old
pic. Left to right is my
great aunt Etta. Sweet and
soft spoken. Next to her is
her sister, great aunt Gusta.
Gusta worked in the gardens
and always looked so tan.
Where Etta never left the
house without a bonnet or
umbrella over her head.
These two never married.
Last but surely not least is
my great grandma, Margaret Jane.

Sweet and kind. The only
one that married. She had
four boys. Her husband died
in his early 30's from a ruptured
appendix. She raised those boys
I am not sure of the order of
the boys but I know that it is
in my mom's family history.
But there was my granddaddy,
Horace and his brothers, Paul,
Tom and William. I will post more
history on those boys later.
Next pic is my great granny again with
my great aunt Myrtice, who in her own
right was an amazing woman. She lost
her husband, Tom, to a freak accident.
Although Myrtice was my great granny's
daughter in law, you would have thought
she was a true daughter. G-granny lived
a few blocks away from Myrtice but
Myrtice looked after G-granny and her
two sisters. She took great care of them.

Here is another copy of an older
pic that mom gave me. This is
my mom, the oldest girl and her
sister Carolyn. We lost Carolyn in
2011. That would be my granny on
the porch and she is probably holding
mom's sister Alice. We lost Alice back yrs
ago also. Lost my granny when I was pregnant
with my son, over 32 yrs ago.

Wow....this next pic is like looking at
my youngest brother Mark.
This is our mom at 15.

I love this pic. My mom as a small child.

Yet another of mom with her
cousin Steve. I can't remember
if I ever met Steve.

Now you know older pics
can give you a creepy feeling
esp cause they never smiled.
But this below is a copy of
my great, great granddaddy,
Ruben Kelly, Mattie, Gusta
and Etta's dad.

Talk about the history....WOW.
Many, many, many years ago my brother
gave my mom a computer. I was shocked
at how well she took to it and surprised that
she was excited about it. You see, my mom
as she got older was not fond of change.
She did not want a cell phone and in
her words, " I have lived all these yrs
without one and I don't need it now"!
I felt that would be her thoughts on
the computer but it did come along
before the cell...a long time before.
Mom got on and
BAM she was off. She ordered
Birth Cert., Marriage Cerf. and
Death Cert., She had my great
granny's family (Rubens) traced
back to the 1700's. By marriage
we are actually related to James K Polk.
In the past couple of years she
started printing off that info.
There is some at her house
that will be coming to mine but
she had one whole thing put
together and she had given it
to my older brother Ray, to
make copies and get them
to Mark and I. Can't wait for
Sorry if I bored you....but
I hope you enjoyed this post.
You didn't bore me a bit. I loved reading about you and your family history - how amazing! I always thought I was a small baby at 5lbs 7oz but you beat me. I have no clue how long I was, though. Hmmm, I wonder if that's on my birth certificate? I have it and need to check. BTW, you are 14 months older than me. I was born 12-14-61. I wasn't due until January but my impatience got me out a bit early. :)
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║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ HALLOWEEN ☆
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥
Best part is that you know who they are!!!!!
And hooray for the genealogy which you mom did.
Happy Halloween... Blessed Samhain...
😊 😊 😊