Dermo Doc Apt
I touched on my skin issues
on my blog days ago.
I had an up coming doc
visit with the dermo doc.
I have always dealth with skin
issues, basiscally all of my life
I learned that as a small
toddler I had issues with
Most times kids will
out grow this, but you know
that with me that is not
how things went.
It will go dormit but it
always pops back up.
As a teen I had it on my
forearms like this.
Between my fingers, on the
tops of my feet and between
my toes.
After years of just mild
fareups I had it appear
right after mom went into
the hospital. I know when she
was in ICU I was using
hand sanitizer and that
is hard on the skin.
But stress also affects it.
Treating it with over the
counter meds just was
not working.
Problem also comes into
play ~ is this the ecemza or
discoid lupus which I
developed in 2010.
Well in this case it turned out
to be the ecemaza.
I also mentioned that I
had itchy skin and over
the yrs with the Fibro
things have gotten
really rough.
I did not however show
what itchy skin can cause
on that blog post.
Today I will.
This is one leg.
And my upper arm,
back looks just as bad.
I make sure I wear short slevees that
are sort of long and
I have been making sure
that the legs are covered
when I go out.
Answer to all this~
I need to be sure to coat
down when getting out of the
shower with a thick lotion.
Which I do.
I also, due to the discoid
lupus, use a daily use of
sunscreen, yr round.
To help prevent this itching
and sore forming, I have to
take an allergy pill daily and
benadryl at night to keep
me from doing this in my sleep.
I have cream for the sores
to help clear them up
and to treat the ecemza.
So...there is another way
that Fibromyalgia affects my life.
What causes all the itching?
A misquote bite like above.
Pollen that lands on my skin.
Even just a gnat that lands on me
causes the skin to go wild.
Fibro is over active nerves
this makes for over
active skin.
Now to explain my visit with the
I got to my visit
about 15 mins early.
Updated paperwork
including the pharmacy I use
with the phone number even.
40 mins past my apt time.
Once in a room the nurse
appeared fast and then the
doc. However I felt
rushed a bit.
Later that day I went
by my pharmacy to get my
script. Not there, Kroger said
they had not gotten it..
I figured I would wait till
the next day and try again.
Keeping in mind that this is
not the first time I had this happen
with this group. Once before they
called it into the wrong Kroger,
that also was several years ago.
I check Friday with Kroger and
they still do not have it. I call the
office to find out that it was called
in. I then asked where? I was told
it went to Walgreens on Lebanon Rd.
So I asked how they got Walgreens
from me telling them Kroger in
Hermitage on Lebanon Rd.
The chirping young thing proceeded
to tell me that she did not know, she
was not there!
I could have gone to Walgreens to
pick it up but NO, let them
fix their mistakes.
HAHA...should have done it
myself cause upon going
to Kroger again I learn that ehy can't
fill it cause the insurance company
says that I got it from
Kroger was to call Walgreens
and have them put it
back on the shelve letting insurance
no that I did not pick it up.
That was Friday. It is
Sunday and I will try yet again
to pick it up.
Which I looked before making
this apt. but they are the
only office in my area (I try
to stay close to home), the only
other one is a man I saw when
I was a teen......thinking that
maybe he might be a tad old.
It appears that most women
dermo docs around the house
have gone into this office.
Docs are great. Staff is normally
a young butch of ladies, and
I just don't think they have their
shit together!
Makes me wonder if my file
says, lets just screw with this
woman everytime she comes in.
On another note....I did
this to my leg
yesterday while climbing over
my fence!
What was I climbing
over the fence?
I locked myself out of the
Theresa (friend) was having
new tires put on and
could not come with my spare
(mom always kept a key for me)...
So I had to wait. To avoid
being eaten a live
by the misquote infested
creek I decided the deck
was where I needed to be.
Thank goodness I had
not locked that door too!
I kicked back in the hammock
and waited for T! folks have been
following me long enough
to know that things like
this are a given in my life.
I think I am going to start
documenting my days just
for the fun of it.
after hitting publish
I remembered that I failed
to mention that one of the
sores on my head, under
my hair looked bad so a
biopsy has been done.
Update on that to follow
in a few days.
I am betting the one on your head will be okay and something you will scratched hard in your sleep or something.
Hang in there-and stay away from bugs and plants and fences! xo Diana