Not Giving a SIP

This is basically how I felt Friday and yesterday. Actually I slept most of the day yesterday. After my outing the other night in the cold staying with Roxy I have been dealing with pain and fatigue. The pain yesterday was the type that wears me out. It is what I call the burning pain. It feels like just under the skin is on fire. Today it feels so much better. I might manage to get something done today. On the way back from the barn yesterday I looked over to the open field and saw this. I would love to have a model out there in the center of all that to photograph. According to something I saw not to long ago, women are embracing their gray. HAHA.....yep, they don't have as much as I do! For several years now women, young women have been paying money to have gray put in their hair. My advice~ stop paying, have kids and give it time!!! Before the thoug...