Dec 22, 2018 - Family Get Together

Hello! Guess what, I did not fall off the face of the earth and Santa did not take me back to the North Pole with him! Just was tied up with holiday doings that I did not get to blogging. On Dec. 22, 2018 we did the family get together at my oldest brothers home. He has the most room and it is so nice of him and Lori to host us every yr at there place. We had 23 there. The biggest hit was my great nephew Colton. This is a pic of me and both my sweet great nephews. Cole who is 8 and Colton who is now 2 months old. Auntie Pam was enjoying her time with Colton! This is my daughter Amber and her first time to see the baby. Also Aunt Kim's first time to see him also. Kim is my brother Mark's wife. I love Christmas decor so I went around with the camera taking some pics. haha...had to take this pic. I made this for Lori many, many, many years ago. All noses light up ...