Sunsets/ Blooms/ Project

Count down for Christmas cards is about done... This is card 13 and my all time fave one. Theres no place like home... for the holidays! When going to the store lately I am trying really hard to make sure I don't buy sugary or scratch type foods. But the other night I ran in Aldi's store to grab a few things and saw this.. I walked past it....twice. Went back and got some anyway. A mistake I don't need to make again. IT WAS SO GOOD. haha.. To help get it out of the house I sent a bunch home with my youngest brother yesterday. I made some veggie soup and cornbread, it was his day off so I sent him some. He called today to tell me that he ate some soup last night and more today. BUT he finished off the popcorn treats last night! Caught this sunset last night on the way to the barn. Fall in TN produces the best sunsets. Got this one yesterday also. S...