HaPpY hAlLoWeEn - and Chandeliers

Aw yes.... I can drive a stick! See.. Love this. (all pics below found on the internet) I love the look of chandeliers esp out in the garden. But on the deck is cute also. Problem...I would never light those candles. But this is adorable. Along with this. Course with the one below being PURPLE... I LOVE! Love the bling on it also. This way you cold get a lot of feeding in. How do you feel about a chandelier in the garden? Thank you everyone for all the kind words on the passing of my friend Laura. Leaving us like that, fast, with no health issues opens your eyes. I realize that I need to get my will redone and stop putting it off. Sitting with Laura's sister, going through her phone trying to decide who needed to be called right then, I realized that is something I can do for me family and kids....make...