Nothing Happening

 Shout out to Billie Jo
for the sweet gift I won over
at her blog.


Smells great. I have not used any yet
but I will be soon.

Took my car to my brothers house
a week ago Tuesday. 
Having issues with the window not
wanting to go up.
Thought it would be a fast fix but
the bolt that holds whatever that operates
the window must have fallen
all the way out so my brother
is seeing if he can order one so that
he can get me fixed up.

Luck has it that Mark has several
autos so I am driving one of
his older BMWs...and I feel so 
out of place in it!!

My heart goes out to my oldest
brother and sis in law.
Their Chocolate Lab Moose had
to be put down on Tuesday. 
He had a big tumor and 
was in a lot of pain. I know that making
that decision was not easy, it
never is but Moose is no longer
in pain.

I have not house sat for them in awhile 
but I know that when I go to sit in 
Sept. it will be different not having 
Moose among the other furbabes.

I started back on my Cymbalta over
a week ago. Still not up to the dose
I was when I stopped taking it but
boy....its been rough. This crap is kicking
my a......rear!
I have slept at least 5 hours if not more
each day but today so maybe....just
maybe my body is adjusting. 
On the flip side, thanks to the meds 
the pain is not as bad as it was.
So...there again, the choice is no energy,
tired all the time, along with other side
effects or pain?
Not the best choices....

Hoping to get up and going and get
some things done around
here soon......
I hope.


Just get up and go when you're ready. I'm sorry to hear about dear Moose, it's always so tough.
Liz A. said…
Those are not good choices. I hope you can find something that takes away the pain without sapping your energy. Sending healing thoughts.
Sandee said…
What a lovely win. I love the names.

Have a fabulous day. ♥
Christine said…
Feel better soon, sigh. And congrats on the nice gift.
Red Rose Alley said…
Pam, I'm sorry to hear about Moose. Car trouble is a bummer. And it usually is expensive too, Ugghh! I hope you feel better and find just the right medication that suits you. Nothing happening here as well.....Oh, except Nel had her baby! We're so glad she's with us now. : )

Red Rose Alley said…
Pam, Mia was a BIG baby, especially for her first baby, 8 lbs. 14 oz.

I wanted to thank you for coming over and leaving a comment even though you're not feeling so well these days. I appreciate that. I just put you on my side bar under "dear ones." I've been meaning to do it, but finally got around to it. : )
Ann said…
So sorry to hear about Moose. That is never an easy decision to make.
Nice that your brother had an extra car for you to drive while you wait on yours. Hope everything evens out soon with the meds.
Rhodesia said…
Great winning a nice gift. Take it easy and take your time recovering, pain is so depressing. Have a good weekend, Diane
I do not do well with chronic pain at all, and am pretty sure I would choose the meds with side effects. hope the meds kick in soon, sorry for the pain... chronic pain ruins daily livng for sure
Darla M Sands said…
So sorry for their loss. His pictures always portrayed a gentle soul. I do not envy your choices. ~hugs~ Your theory on ants taking over the world cracks me up. I also hope you're wrong! Take care, my dear.
Billie Jo said…
So glad you received the gift!
And I hope you get some relief soon.
Have a cozy weekend. : )
Pilar said…
I'm sorry to hear about moose, and I hope you feel better soon Pam. What great giveaway prizes! Congrats!
Sharon said…
It's always so sad when we have to say good-bye to a family pet.
DeniseinVA said…
It is always very sad to lose a much loved four legged family member. My heartfelt sympathies to your brother and family. Moose will always be loved and the memories will make them smile again one day. I hope you also get relief real soon for your chronic pain Pam.
Sally said…
I'm sorry about Moose. It's going to happen here too, I'm afraid. :(

Take care of YOU!


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