Another All Over Post

Ran across this pic on 
fb the other day.
I was shocked but really
not so shocked.

Nashville in 2011
and one in 2018!

Nashville is considered the IT city,
and I would rather go back to being 
the not so IT city. 

Snapped this today at
the barn.

Isn't Princess such a 
and oh those eyes!

Out of the 3 siblings she was
the last to trust but now she
is usually the first to meow
for my attention.

I have never had a couple of 
cardinals in my yard before.
This is a first  for me this year. 
I watched as the both came to the 
feeder the other day and I watched
as he picked up some feed and 
turned giving it to her.
I was interested to read about them
do you know they mate for life?

(pic from internet)

It is also said that when they visit
you in the yard it is someone tyou knew
and loved that
is gone from this world just
coming to check on you.
I have to wonder who it would be checking
on me now.

This morning looking down
at my toes I realized that the
polish was coming of and starting
to look bad...
I decided to give them
a different look for the next
couple of weeks.
Two color purples...

After doing the nails I jumped in 
the shower and was ready to 
walk out the door 45 mins later, this
included putting on the makeup.

I was headed to the movies.
I have been waiting for 
"Mama Mia,
Here we go again" to
finally get into the theaters.

Did not disapoint me.
I loved the first one and 
I loved this one.

When in La Jolla Calif. I visited
an Olive Oil store.
I tasted some really great oils but
could not decide on one so I 
decided to come home 
and make some..
Yesterday I did just that.
I made Rosemary Olive Oil
and Basil Garlic.

Basil was okay...but the Rosemary
is great.
Matter of fact, dinner
last night was a purple
Cherokee tomatoe with
rosemary oil on it....

Also made some bananna pepper, red
pepper, onion and garlic
apple cider vinegar!
Be awesome on boil cabbage or 

Picked this swag up at a yardsale
for 50 cents.
Love it in my BR downstairs..

Also got these 3 movies.
One buck each.
I don't mind these kinds of 
movies, but I don't do 
blood, guts and gore movies.

However I watched this one 
yesterday and I guess I am
with this one cause I 
did not know what took place
in this movie...
just confused me.

Made this several years ago.
A small birdbaath. I finally set
it out in the yard yesterday.
It is made with a lamp globe and 
a livingrooom lamp.

Now last but not least,
here is the camera strap I ordered
befor egoing to Calif. 
I love it.

Anything new in your world.


Lots to comment on in this post, Pam. Nashville has really changed! I imagine your population has increased along with all that new building. Our little town, used to be little, but no more! I long for quieter days and less traffic!
Your rosemary olive oil sounds yummy. Infused oils really add a lot to a dish, don't they?
The bird bath is darling. I know your pair of cardinals are enjoying a drink there. I love cardinals and they are just wonderful to see in our gardens. Their birdsong is one that I always recognize.
Have a happy week. ♥
Ann said…
What a change in Nashville.
I had a cardinal in my yard yesterday. I wondered if it was Wade, my dad, my brother or my mother. Or I suppose it could be a number of other people as well. I didn't know they mated for life.
Such some beautiful pictures, I love the selection of your pictures. Very nice blog dear!
Have a very very happy Monday <3
MadSnapper said…
that strap looks extra comfy and you will not lose it because of the bright colors. love the swag... I have not seen either of the Mama Mias
Darla M Sands said…
Ooh, I like your toenails and ankle jewelry. That looks like a painful scratch on your right shin. Hope it's not sore. I enjoy your posts, especially about your creativity. "The Ring" is a perennial favorite but I don't think I've seen the others. There are definitely some movies that have confused me. As for what I'm up to, this morning it's struggling with a desire to stay in when I planned to go meet other writers. ~sigh~ Funny enough, the big red painful zit on the bridge of my nose (?!) is making the case to give in and be reclusive. Heh...
Great photos! Loved the critters and the yummy food too!
Sandee said…
I love your barn cat. I'd be loving on that cutie and often.

I love your purple pedicure. Very nice.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the babies. ♥
Liz A. said…
That is a great camera strap. It cities don't stay it forever. Enjoy the boom while it lasts.
Jeanie said…
Princess does have fabulous eyes! Interesting -- I'd not heard that about the cardinals but I would like to believe it. I seem to have a pair that hang about here quite a bit. I wonderful whose messages they are bringing?
So pleased you enjoyed Mama Mia.
I think your new strap looks good, love the colourways.

Enjoy your week.

All the best Jan

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