This to That and Back

I have decided that this coming trip to see my son is going to be a no luggage check type of trip. So with that I debated on taking one of my Nikon's or not. Not has won out for more than one reason. 1. I just don't want to keep up with it 2. I misplaced (nothing new) my battery charger. So with an up coming wedding I went ahead and ordered one from Amazon. When it gets here, I will probably locate the older one and it will probably be right out in the open. While ordering the battery charger I decided to purchase a new camera strap. Here's the one I picked out. I love it. Anyway, I have two small point and shoot cameras I will take with me. Easier to carry, easier to handle. HAHA Theresa tagged me on FB on this pic. Said it was me. Yep...why wait 50 years...that looks like me now! So in honor of our 40th reunion those of us that are on FB have posted ou...