This Past Few Days

During my "COMPUTER" 
I had a day or so of pushing myself
to do something.
Energy level has been lacking
with the warmer days but
with the rains from the storm in 
Fla. we have also had some cooler
days. The deck of course
has been amazing to that sort of

I saved a few logs that my friend
Chris cut for Amber's wedding, and 
gave the rest to Theresa. She is 
a lot like me in thinking she needs
them to do something with but
like me I am not so sure she knows
what she will use them for!

I however did have ONE thought
on what I needed to use one rings.

I hung a hook on the back of one
once I sprayed it with sealer.
If you remember I baked all the 
logs in the over to be sure
I was not carrying bugs to the wedding!
But...I did want to seal it. 

After sealing I added some cup
hooks I had here at the house only
to realize that some of the wider band
rings would not hang on that, so then
I added some nails.
Works great!

 The other day I made a run to the
barn ( not my regular feeding time) 
and was presented with this 

Okay so I see the pigs in the hole
often but not all at once!
This is part of the feeding at the 
barn process by the way..
We keep the water hole filled
on the warm days!
This is how pigs cool down.

 Two days ago I sat out at my 
lunch/dinner table on the 
deck to paint. 
My goal is to create a 
Christmas ornament for
each family member.
I started in Jan. but then I do and 
stop and start again!
Here is what I did the other 
day while enjoying the
cooler weather.

This is for Chandler, one of my
new acquired grandsons.

My brother being a Vandy fan 
gets this one.

Here is where I am so far
this year with the 2018

So I have 9 done with the 
two I did the other day.
The theme of course this yr is
Still have a few more to go but
I had to stop for I ran out of 
pieces of wood.
Walmart or Hobby Lobby, 6
pieces of flat thin wood to a pack,
less than 3 bucks and I cut them in 
half. So off I went to Wally World.
I now have the wood, just
need to hook up the saw.

I also wanted to throw together
this for Lily.

Dakota had one on the deck but
Lily Bit did not.
I have to seal this and put a rope
on it to hang and it will 
be part of the deck 

Ladies and Gents
this is the reason I try to
stay out of the kitchen!

haha...only one reason but 
I seem to have my days.
I stacked a casserole dish and plate 
together, to close to the edge of
the counter when filling the sink
to wash. 
Casserole dish~ about 20 yrs old, 
Plate ~ so much older. Part of a set 
I started collecting in the 11th grade
from Third National Bank.
Masika ...

Main thing, get it cleaned up before
Lily found a piece or my
foot did!

While messing around with 
crafts I played with this 
hat I picked up at
Wally World a couple
weeks ago.

With the help of my fave
all time best glue

and these cute adorable
BLING pieces

I threw this together yesterday 

I love the BLING!
Now to figure out what to 
do with the rest of the 
that came in that pack! I add to the hat?
Do I hold them to see what
else I come up with?
Do you have suggestions?

While reading up on my comments
last night from
you lovely folks that I missed
while dealing with computer
someone commented on my
cute table and chairs.


My mom got this years ago and gave
it to me a couple of years ago.
It was white.
I don't do white.
I like OFF white but
not white.
So over a yr ago after my
deck was completed I 
decided it needed to be 
painted. I did not want
(as much as I love color)
a bright red so I went with 
a toned down red, a brick sort
of color red.
I cleaned up the pieces and 
sprayed it down. 

Yesterday I failed to mention 
this great piece in my
deck tour.
My lamp.

Twenty years or so ago my
brother, being a bigger
recycler than me picked up
this piece on the side of the 
road and took it home.
I waited to see what he would
do with it. 

About 4 yrs ago I asked him about
it. It was just the pole and the
decorative work, no light. 
He gave it to me, hauled it to 
my deck and I hauled it out
to my friends (at the farm, with the
pigs) house. Chris and I were 
dating at the time.

I sanded it down in his shop,
primed it and then painted it
back black. Chris helped me wire
the lamp part I picked up at 
Lowes. I use this great piece between
my glider and chair for reading
at night. 

Not sure what today will produce, if
anything. I want to create but the energy 
level is down, it requires pulling
things out to do anything....
it is 77 degrees, a slight breeze and 
I think I will be bringing the fan
out today. I have things I need to do
indoors...haha....but they can wait till
hotter days!

Here's hoping  you have a great
and productive day!


Sandee said…
Love the hat and I'm sorry about the broken treasures. I hate it when that happens.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Dakota and Lily. ♥
Cool stuff and the piggies are really cute!
we are nice and cool today it has rained off and on all day, keeping the sun at bay. we are enjoying it while we get it. put the rest of the bling on the ring holder.. you sure had a lot to keep you busy while computer problems were happening. I LOVE THOSE PIGS, truly I DO
Christine said…
what a great ring holder!
Rhodesia said…
So annoying when you break something from a set but it happens.

You do have some amazing ideas, I am always amazed at what you come up with.

Love the pigs, what fun they are having, Take care, glad the computer is working again. Diane
Ann said…
Your ornaments look great. Love the hat. Very clever idea. My brain isn't functioning well lately so no clue what you could do with the rest of the bling. I know you'll think of something though.
"These past few days" you have been extremely busy, and I enjoyed reading about it.
I think it's wonderful that you are going to create a Christmas ornament for each family member... such a great idea.

Enjoy these last days of May.

All the best Jan
Betsy said…
It is more than frustrating when some like your vintage ware gets broke. The worst part is having to clean it up and little shards are every where I find, especially with that corning ware. Love those little piggies, so cute.
Liz A. said…
How about adding a touch of bling to your ornaments? Or, you could combine the bling and those log pieces in some way. Just spitballing here.
Darla M Sands said…
Ooh, I like the way Liz is thinking here. I really should get some of that glue to have around. I keep forgetting. Wish I could join you on the deck and visit the farm! Today I've been staying off social media until now, and writing indoors because allergies have really been bothering my eyes. Heh... Be well, my dear.
Jeanie said…
Those piggies looked like they were having a day! I've been traveling and probably won't be able to catch up but I'll try! Thanks for coming to my blog and glad your computer is back!

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