Brandau Becomes Shadow

You have met Brandau before. She is the cat that someone dropped off on Brandau Rd and she came to the barn to live with the kittens. I gave her that name cause at one point the Cat Shoppe was interested in taking her, they thought they had a home for her. This was before winter months and I was unable to catch her. With that being said, I have always called her a her cause she appeared to have Tortoiseshell markings and sometime ago while reading up on Torties I learned that they are always females. Next~ was she fixed? No way for me to tell. But with the kittens being fixed we felt that we should be safe. Chance we had to take. A couple weeks ago us folks at the barn noticed that Brandau was looking rough. That beautiful hair was not so pretty anymore. And she lost a lot of it. She had sores all over her body and she just looked frazzled. Last week I was asked to try and catch her...