Pour Paint Projects

Been trying something new the last
couple nights, 
pour paint.

On my rocks I just squirted some out
and continued to add to the top
of that letting it slide off the rock.
Then I took the other end of the 
paint brush and moved paint around.

Pretty neat.

Then I painted this one to leave
at the beach.

So I have been seeing pour paint
on the internet and talk shows,
thought I would give it a try.

Pretty cool....
I squirt a paint color
in a small disposable 
cup and add a little
water to "water" it down
and make it runny.
Mix that up and then I add
another color on top of that
and continue with those
steps, except with the black and
white one (2 colors).
Put the canvas over the cup and 
dump it. Before pulling the cup
away, move it around on the canvas,
then pick the cup up. I tilt the 
project around and around
letting the paint move to cover
all areas.

I kind of like this process.
What do you think?
Which project to you like best?


Sally said…
I like all of those, but especially the b&w. It somehow tells a story!

Rain said…
Great minds think alike Pam :) I was JUST watching a video about "Swiping" (Acrylic Pouring) and I really want to try it out! I do love the black and white, it's lovely!

Christine said…
Lovely effect, looks so natural.
Rhodesia said…
Love those multicoloured stones they look amazing. Take care Diane
i have not heard of pour paint, it looks good to me. and fun to i am sure. somewhere in my arhcives i have photos that i made look like these rocks, by dragging my mouse around in the photo but i can't for the life of me think what program i used.
Sandee said…
I like them all, but the first one is my favorite. It's the colors that I really like. I need to do this. I'd probably make a mess, but they are so delightful.

Have a fabulous weekend. ♥
Wow, I like that, really clever.
Ann Thompson said…
Very cool looks like a fun technique
Jeanna said…
Very pretty and colorful. You are very skilled, I'd just make a big ol' mess.
We haven't heard of pour paint either but I've gotta say that's pretty and pretty darn cool too!
Jeanie said…
Those are really pretty, Pam. Going to Florida? I bet so!
Darla M Sands said…
I'm with Jeanna. Hahaha... That black and white one is particularly striking. Nicely done!
What a great idea, they are all so nice.

All the best Jan
Liz A. said…
That is a lovely effect. I've seen these around the internet, but I had no idea how it was done.

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