Weight Update

Don't you hate losing a whole blog post when still in the middle of writing it? Seems to be the way my whole day is going! On top of that first question.... don't you hate when you learn stuff after the fact? More on that question, you will understand as I go along. Weight update~ 4 LBS I have been eating what I like for months now, and with that over the winter months I put on 4 lbs.....I know, heaven forbid! Last week I cut out sugar and breads for 5 days and dropped that weight. But by doing that I must have reset my body again so after 5 days when I fell off the wagon I found that the ugly DUMPING feeling was back. Yep, I ate a couple of small (tiny) blueberry muffins I made (cause I wanted them)...and I thought I was dying! I got dizzy, felt sick and my heart was racing like crazy. SUGAR rush I guess. But here comes the issue with not having all the info up front.... I had no clue that gastr...