Recap on 2017

Wow....looking back on 2017
I did more than I thought I did!
Course a lot of my project were
simple, fast and easy projects but
projects just the same!

I did a few paintings.
Two were shipped to Georgia for
my aunts. 

Went  to Robins Gallery to
paint with my sis in law.

Got my Christmas card painted.

Took several months but
I started and finished my 
painting on the deck.

Painted a quilt block for the 
barn at my brother and sis
in laws place.

Got a painting done for my porch 
for fall.

And did some door hangers for 
a few holidays.

Like my mom says...I will 
paint anything.

The crack in the sidewalk
to look like a vine!

A mermaid in the bathroom.

A mousehole in the guest room.

Someone better take my paints away!!

I threw together some awesome
rustic candle holders.
Some rusty car parts and
some painted wooden pieces.

A few commissioned pieces.

Love spray paint....
was able to redo three
chandeliers for the house.
Still have two to hang.

Also painted a brass floor lamp.
Liking this so much better.

Found a really cool way to 
hang my pots so I did not
have to bend down and get
them out of the cabinet.

Only with a new table and chairs pushed
up to that wall I have recently 
removed this.

Redone a roadside find coffee
table for my daughter.

Worked on some much needed storage
in my home.
Turned a linen closet to 
a coat closet.

Added shelves in the laundry
closet. Added lots of room.

Hung peg board in the storage area for

Learned to make bread.

Redid a couple of sweatshirts 
for myself.

Made everyone in the family
a Christmas ornament.

Made Christmas decorations
and Christmas gifts.

Made  fall and Halloween 


Redid one quest room...

Redid my stairs.

Built this cool shelving unit.

Started drawing again for 
Scribble Picnic.

Managed to FINALLY get 
mountain rocks painted for
the garden.

(crap...just noticed I have the wrong date
on there...should be 

Made this adorable piece for my


Took this sled that has been hanging around
since I married in 1980 and
made it into shelves.

Did a few photo shoots.

And best of all....
I adopted this little

Fought my fibro with as
much grace as I could and
as you can see I worked through
some good days. Although it makes
life harder, I try to keep going.

Thanks for stopping in and
thanks for being a visitor
and friend to my blog all


you are so talented and creative. i think my two favorites are the whale tail and the mouse hole, with a 3rd close runner up the sunflower on the porch wall. those 3 appeal to me most but they are all super duper good
Rain said…
What a WONDERFUL recap Pam!!! Bestest of all is Lily gal :) I love your Christmas card, all of your paintings and crafts...and you did some renovating too. All with fibro. You certainly do have determination and grace! I'm so happy we crossed paths. :) I hope you have a nice night ringing in the new year and wish you all the best for 2018! :)
Jeanie said…
I'd say 2017 was a very productive year for you and a creative one at that. A great recap and I would agree - Lily is the BEST of all!
NanaDiana said…
You ha a wonderful year of projects and crafts and beat fibro out the door by stubbornly keeping going. Good for you- I know it is not easy. Love the mouse hole and many of yourother projects, too.

Hope you have a wonderful, blessed 2018! xo Diana
Ann Thompson said…
Wow, you had a very productive and creative year. I hope the new year brings you more of the same
Darla M Sands said…
Um... wow. I wrote this past year. That's about it, and I'm happy (!) because it's my calling. But you rock so hard with all your stellar efforts that Judas Priest would have to take a bow. ~grin~ Be well and have fun with your beautiful creative efforts, lovely family, and delightful fur babies (Misfire, Dakota, and Lily; all so obviously cherished) through 2018 and beyond. Hugs to you, my friend.
Pilar said…
You completed a lot of beautiful projects in 2017 Pam! I look forward to seeing you projects for this year! Happy New Year!
Liz A. said…
You'll paint anything? As if that's a bad thing ;)
Red Rose Alley said…
Wow, you worked on many projects this year, Pam. The Angel painting is special, I really like that one. The bread sure does looks good. And I've always liked Dorothy's red slippers. Here's to more projects in 2018, you're so creative!

You got so many projects done!

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