
That is how I feel the last 
few days...

Fibro does that to me.
The pain makes me flakey also.
flakey that I 
do stupid things.
Like misplace my debit

Yesterday I canceled that and
reordered another one.

Like a flakey space

But reading from this list I 
would go with confusion, tender joints, 
neck and shoulder pain, irritability, 
muscle knots, spasms and 
twitches, nerve pain, anxiety....etc...

see the one on the bottom where it
says dry skin, eyes and mouth....

keep that in mind.

And yet with all that, it is still
not the most horrible of days!

 But remember I said dry skin...
eyes and mouth.
Can't keep enough lotion 
on this body to keep the skin
from being dry.

But the worst was the dry eyes.

To explain, last night I put contacts
in to go look at contacts.
I don't wear them often but I decided
to last night. 


I came in afterwards and laid
down. I fell asleep.
I woke about an hour later and 
went to take my contacts out.
And I could not get them.
At this point the eyes were 
irritated. With the irritation I could
not even tell if the contact was on 
the eyeball or if they had moved under
the eyelid. 
I said to myself....screw it and went to bed. 

With that when I woke in the morning 
I had a mess. 
I could tell the lens was not 
where it needed to be cause 
of not being able to see as sharp.
But the question was, where were 

Called the eye doc office and went in upon
their request. 
First the contact lens lady (usually
fits you for the lens) looked and 
did not see the lens on the eyeball.
Then she kept asking me if I even 
got them in....
Well hell, I know they went in 
cause I could see!

Got me in to see the doc.
No contact lens were found.
I ask, how do they fall out and you 
not know it?
It happens apparently.
I have not found but one, it was in the
bathroom sink. Apparently while 
messing with it, it popped out.
Not sure where the other one is.
I have four more sets of contacts....
in the trash now.
I am never wearing them again.

Selfies of the eyes are not that good
but they are really red.
Doc gave me some rewetting meds
and I am to be on top of 
it applying this.
He found some mucus in 
one eye and said that it could
be the starting of pink eye.

If the eyes are not better by tomorrow
at 2:30 I am to call and he
will call a script for pink eye
in for me....

I love my life!
Needless to say, I have a lot
to do and got 

Maybe tomorrow..

By the way, thank you to all
of you that follow 
Dakota and Lily. 
I love that my babes have followers
here on the blog and so many
that totally love them out 
of my fb friends!

I am blessed that I have two
beautiful, adorable and fun
loving pets!


Sally said…
Oh, I'm so sorry, Pam. :(

Darla M Sands said…
Ho, wow. The title of your blog is so poignant today. ~hugs~ Don't mean to be facetious. I quit wearing contact lenses after a very different, but nonetheless equivocal incident. I hope you feel strong and healthy as you deserve. You inspire me every day.
Liz A. said…
Dry eyes and contacts do not mix. Eeek. And they do pop out, but not often. (At least, not often for me.)

I hope you feel better :)
Rain said…
Hi Pam, I'm really sorry that you have to go through all of those horrid symptoms. Contact lenses scare me. I have some too, disposable kinds that I only wear if I know we're going fishing or something so I don't lose my glasses in the lake, but I'm constantly putting drops in my eyes because I have dry eyes and one time one ripped as I was trying to take it out. I actually developed an eye infection because of it. There was a piece stuck somewhere in there that eventually came out after a day of lots of drops. I hate them to be honest, but then again, I can see so well. I hope the other lens just popped out for you. That happens to me when I put them in inside out...as if I can ever tell!

Please take care and feel better soon. I know it's a lifetime illness. I know you do your best. Be kind to yourself. xxx
Oh Pam - I'm so sorry! I hope your poor eyes recover quickly and you can feel a little better soon. Sending hugs xo Karen
Ann said…
That sounds horrible with the contact lenses. I never wanted to even try them because I'm sure I would have a hard time putting them in my eye.
my son wears contacts most of the time, with glasses in between. sorry all this happened and glad you tossed them... so this will not happen again... i suffer from dry eyes and have for years, drops 5 times a day every day and sometimes they still get dry. i love the word discombobulated and use it a lot... my other word i like is cogitating... i learned both words from the young ladies in my team at work.

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