Life is Calmer Today

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN Night to you all! I had a total of eight (8) trick or treaters tonight. And I still have a bowl full of candy I don't need in my house! OoPs! Had to pick some things up at Wally World today so I took a few pics along the way as I looked for what I needed. I used to love watches like this with bands you changed out. Back in the 70's they were a big thing and I got one for Christmas with about 6 or so colors. Little nicer ones these days. I have noticed that these earrings seem to be making a comeback. You know, the ones where the dangle below the ear part actually is attached to the earring bar at the back of the ear. I bought a pair a month or so ago. I had a pair back in the 80's! I guess that saying about holding onto things because they will make a come back!. It happens! Loving this style of shirt. Noticed ...