Halloween/ Boss Retirement

Came home from Norman's
retirement get together and
put up a couple more
things out for Halloween.

Hung my witches dress, black
cape and witches hat along
with my broom and I moved
the Witches Night Out sign.

I also added my new sign
"I'd Turn Back If I Were

Then I also hung my ceiling fan
painting on the wall
heading up the stairs.

And tonight I threw together
this together. 

For right now I will probably put
this on the porch where it
is protected from the
weather but on Halloween
night I will have it out on 
the sidewalk where it will
look like the house fell on the 

Thanks for pointing out
my mistake in my
last post. That is 
what happens when you
don't proof read what
you post!!

I have had a slight leaky hot
water faucet in the 
kitchen. I put off replacing 
washers and stuff cause
I really dislike messing with 
it all....

But I have been cutting it off under the
sink for a couple of weeks and 
only cutting it on when
I need to use the hot water.

But tonight I put a large
Ball jar under it
and timed it.
This only took one
(1) hour to fill. 

Time to do something about it.

Today was like going home...
or better yet, the drive to 
the Bureau was a nice one.
Been over a yr since I was there.

My Medicaid Fraud 
boss is retiring, but not 
to sit at home, he is going
to another investigative 

I think the world of Norman,
one the best men I have ever
worked under, with and 
beside. I wish him the best
of luck in the next step of
his life.

Left to right ~
Cindy, Deborah, Norman
and I.
Partners in Crime with 
the ring leader, SAC Norman.

Another man I think a lot of ,
Terry. He is over the west TN
section of Medicaid and I 
also enjoyed working with
him the years that I did.

It was great seeing so many 
faces that I have missed for 
several yrs now. 

Now....what you pick

Me....the burger, because usually
in a line burgers are the 
first thing there, probably skip
that hotdog but I would grab
some taters and corn with
watermelon being my

Which reminds me...sitting at 
63 to 64 lbs gone for
months I finally got it down
to 65 this morning. 
And just to let you 
all know, today I felt better
than I have in a couple
of weeks. Hoping it last
for at least a few days.

Thanks for stopping in, 


Rhodesia said…
Funny how Halloween is hardly even thought of here. You are looking good, not easy to take weight off so much easier to put it on!
My first choice at a BBQ would be the water melon, so yummy. Diane
Sharon said…
It's always nice to see old friends. Best wishes to your old boss in his new job. Do you miss working?

I would have no idea how to fix the leaky faucet. For that kind of stuff I am dependent on those with experience. :-)
Darla M Sands said…
So glad you feel better! And how nice that you saw colleagues. I still haven't started hauling up Halloween stuff. ~sigh~ Be well, my dear.
eileeninmd said…
Hello, cute Halloween decorations! The burger and corn would be my favorites, YUM!

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead.
Jeanie said…
The retirement party sounds lovely and I'm glad you are getting your Halloween on! Thanks for coming by!
Sally said…
Oh, so glad you were able to catch up with your pals. Love the photos!

I'm also happy that you've been feeling better, and hope it lasts more than a few days, Pam.

Liz A. said…
When I was a kid, the first week of October we'd put out all the paper cut out Halloween decorations. Your post made me think of that.

At the BBQ, I'd probably go for the hot dog first. (Now I'm hungry...) Not a big watermelon fan, and the corn would get stuck in my teeth (although I'll have some anyway, probably).
JFM said…
Loving your decor for the season Pam!
This is why I have started my Autumn/Halloween blog... I never put my witches and "stuff" away so why not have a blog for the season 365, 24/7, too 🍁👻🎃
I think you may need a sign out front that says witch in Residence. Love all your witchy stuff and so glad you had fun at the going away party the not retiring but moving on to a different job already
Ann Thompson said…
Glad you had a good time with your old work pals. I would pick the burger first too
Anonymous said…
Glad you are feeling better and congrats on 65. I enjoyed your photos very much.
If you live near Helen, you are not far from THE GOURD PLACE, which is where I purchased my painted gourds. The link is included on my post today.
Debbie said…
i enjoy fall and halloween. nice that you enjoyed your visit with old friends!!!

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