
Thanks to Sally over at

for giving me the idea
to post about pigs.

I dated a guy that has
13 acres of land and he
has PIGS.
Not kill for meat pigs.
Pet pigs.

The first time I ever went
over there I pull up and I 
see this BIG pink 
pig laying in the sun.
He was so big that his body
sort melted into the yard like
melted flesh.

Meet Arnold!
Arnold looks so funny when
he has been in the mud hole.
One day he laid down in it
on one side and got out...
walked past me and it looked like
two kinds of pigs.
A pink one and a brown one!

Arnold has an issue with Dakota
he runs from my little
rat terrier and Dakota
knows this. He will chase Arnold.

He is my grandson Caleb, meeting
Arnold for the first time.
That  is my youngest grandson to the 
right...looking on. 

This is Leonard 
AKA Lenny.
Lenny was Chris' first pig.
He got him as a pet, a baby.
The others came after folks
realized that even pot belly
pigs grow big if fed well.
At the time Chris and I 
started dating, he had 5 pigs.

Need I say more?
Lenny is my fav!

Funny story....Lenny was in a pen while
the others just roamed the yard....
then later on the neighbors yard!
We noticed that Lenny was looking
sick. He got thin. Chris was thinking
he needed to call the vet.
I was not raised on a farm, not
anywhere near any pets other then
dogs.....but I knew what was wrong. 

Lenny had cleared off his area of 
grass and stuff to graze on while
the others roamed eating and 
grazing all day. 

I told Chris he just needed moved from the
pen and let to roam.  At that point I was
told that he would not come out and 
if you got him out he cried to go back in.
So....we were feeding him special food
and extra food to get him fat again.
One day Chris was at the garage
where he works on mowers and I
went to the pen to let Lenny
I looked at him and told him
to get out, if he wanted food he
needed to come out and feed.

He followed me to the garage and 
he never went back to the pen.
Chris and others called me Lenny's
mom! He would follow me around
and if I called him he would 
come running!

Meet Wilbur.
He was the farm fav.
People who came to have mowers
worked on would bring family back
to meet the pigs. Wilbur would
come to the garage and sat in front
of the fridge, they all know Chris
keeps crackers in there for them.

Chris lost Wilbur a yr ago.
He wandered off and the body
was never found. 
We searched and searched.
The pigs loved to visit Ms. Wanda
down the street cause she would
feed them really well.

This is Razor.
Razor died early last year.
His body was found at the neighbors
house. The neighbor buried him for
Chris. There is Chris' house, 
a trailer, the neighbor (song writer)
and Ms. Wanda's....they knew that
they would get fed at all these homes.
It was a hot day and I figure with the
weight, Razor might have had a heart
attack. FYI...he was a lot bigger
then in this pic.

Razor was sort of the ring
leader, he traveled and Wilbur and 
Maybelline followed. 

Course since he was given to Chris
he was not sure of Razor's age, or
Wilburs for that matter. 
Razor was also not a full blooded
pot belly. He looked like he 
had Razor back in him...hence
the name. But look at that face...
looks like a bat.

Also...this is the only other
pig besides Arnold that was afraid
of Dakota and would run
from him.

These was the only female pig...
She has never gotten used to 
being petted. Although while
visiting my horse the other
day Maybelline let me pet her.
Course I guess if you present watermelon
rind its worth letting someone pet you. 
That is Chick Chick and Braden (grandson)
in the pic also. 

One day while hanging at the farm I 
mentioned to Chris that I had not
seen Chick Chick in a while.
Assuming that a coyote got her.
They live back up in the woods but
will not hurt a pig due to the 
thick skin.

This is my sweet Braden feeding Wilbur and 
Arnold crackers. If you tell them to sit,
they will. 

Since the passing of Wilbur and Razor and 
the break up of Chris and I he has taken
on the care of another female pig,
Sheba. I don't have a pic of her. 

Chris is a metro employee for the water
system but he does his side business of
working on mowers. He has a barn that he
rents out to a guy that trains and shows horses.

My girl don't like a barn so she is out
in the pasture. She is fed daily with the 
other pasture horses. Course she loves
when I visit with carrots and apples. 

There are wild turkey that come around
at feeding time....they love to eat what
the pigs or horses leave behind. 

They are pretty much camera shy but
love to spread those feathers in a mating dance.

Here are a few shots from the farm....
Chris also has not only his home on the 
property but he has a small rental home.
This is Rusty, he lived with his master
for a while in that rental home.

The guy that rents the barn to train 
brings horses in and out so I am 
not at all sure which one this was.

The little brown and white is 
Nibbles. He belongs to the renters
daughter. She shows him.

Covergirl has been gone for 
several years now.
She was on the farm when I first 
came around. 

Look at there...a wild turkey feeding with 

And this is Buck....living up to his name!
Buck belonged to Rusty's (the dog of the 
renter) mom. 

Not only does Chris repair mowers...
he works on all small engines. 
This is Mr. Flo. 
Flo Pilote, was one of the first
hockey players in Nashville, on our
first hockey team, The Dixie Flyers,
wow, I think that was back in the 70's.
I went to school with his kids. 
Such a nice guy. 
Check out the article 
that came out in the paper
this past June when the Preds
were playing for the Stanley Cup.


Chick Chick would lay eggs but
there was NO rooster to do his thing, so they
laid there...

Well look at that I managed to get a pic. 

Hope you enjoyed your tour of the farm
and the meeting of the animals. 

Speaking of animals...
Lily and I both had a bad day
yesterday. She laid around with 
me all morning but in the afternoon
I noticed that she had not played
all day, she had not messed
with Dakota and she was
going off to herself and wanted
to be alone!
I was worried.

She is back to being Lily...
she is staying close to me.
Matter of fact she will not let
me put her down.
She has been curled up on me
like the pic above, between 
my body and the laptop.
I love my little girl.
I am getting a lot of nose and 
paw pats.....I love that. 

Hey Ladies....keep this in mind!

Thanks for stopping in, 


What a fun post, Pam! All the animals look so happy. Those pigs are really something! I'm glad Lily is feeling better today and I hope you are as well. ♥
Sally said…
Some great pics, Pam, and commentary. I love this! When we were kids, down on the farm, I used to watch some of my cousins try to catch the pigs. Not me, though, I was too girly for that. :)

I can see why Buck was called Buck. LOL

Debbie said…
pet pigs have become very popular these days - they are so cute!! i LOVE your closing quote!!
Rhodesia said…
Lovely post and I am very fond of pigs, they make gorgeous pets. I hope that both you and Lily are feeling better. Take care Diane
MadSnapper said…
I hope Lily is not sick, and just wants extra loving. really enjoyed all the farm animals, looks like a place I would love.
Ann Thompson said…
Nice farm. I've always thought it would be nice to live on a farm but not do all the work involved. Lenny looks like a very cool pig
DeniseinVA said…
Great post aout the farm Pam, loved all the animals. I love the pigs. They remind me of the pigs that belonged ot hubby's Uncle Orville who kept them right up until he passed on. It was fun to go visit and jump into the pen with those pigs. They were always so smart and curious, and I remember a couple of them trying to eat my shoelaces on my sneakers. I guess they thought they were food. I can still remember feeling the nip through my sneakers, it was a tad painful but is also a great memory. So thanks for a very enjoyable post and hope you have a great Friday :)
Liz A. said…
Lots of pigs. Quite the group.
Darla M Sands said…
Wow! I want to visit the farm. I'm so glad Lilly feels okay. I worried she was sick. A dry nose is not always an indicator but can show fever in an unusually lethargic kitty. What a nice article about hockey, too.

Those are amazing paintings of yours, too! Wish I had room for more. Went a little overboard some time ago, spent a fortune on framing, and have to rotate my art these days. I've got lots from Steven Archer's 365 days of Cthulhu and Japanese Yokai (demons) by an American artist named Matt living in Japan. ~grin~ Though there are some lighter pieces, too. Hope you feel great today!

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