Key Rings and Rocks

Good evening bloggers.

As you have been able to tell
I have not been productive
in my crafting or paintings.

Today the dog and I pretty
much laid around all
day. My days seem to be
getting that way lately.

So I decided to pull from some
older blogs.

I mentioned in yesterdays
in leaving comments on
others blogs that I
collect key rings when
I travel. They are small,
easy to find and don't take
up a lot of room in the house.

I made a this first board a
few years ago for display
my rings on. No..I have
not traveled this much. I have
friends and relatives that bring
key rings back for me when they

I had pretty much filled up the first
board and was trying to decide
what to do next. I had bought this
older table from a friend that
just was beyond work so I took it
apart for other crafts.
The drawer got painted and it
became the next display for
my key rings.

I also mentioned to Sheri at
that along with the key rings I
collected rocks from my travels.
I bring them home and paint on them,
seal them well and put them in my
garden. That way each time I walk
the garden or water, I see my travels!

Sheri these are a few.

This rock I picked up outside my
nieces apartment when I went
to see one of her plays at
UT Knoxville.

Del Mar was my first one that I painted.
Picked up this smooth rock off Del Mar beach.

This one came from the sidewalk outside
my sons house in La Mesa.

I actually have 3 others that I picked up
in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and
Sevierville TN in 2015 that I have
not painted yet. I need to get things in

Wanted to also show you folks
what I did to my back and
front doors.

Back door.

Front door.

I am a total Wizard of Oz fan and
one time coming home from
a trip to Calif. to visit my son and
daughter in law, coming in the front
door, I said, "there's no place like home"....
I knew then I needed that on the door!

Thanks for everyone that stops in to visit my
blog. You folks are the greatest!


I like how you mounted the key rings on the shadow box, Pam. I pick up rocks when I find them on our travels as well. I really like the heart shaped ones. Your doors sure are inviting with your pretty welcoming lettering. Take care. ♥
Cat Lover said…
Hi Pam, what lovely ways to remember your trips! Key rings are small and don't take up much room. Great idea!
Love the quotes on your front and back door!
Have a good day!
Darla M Sands said…
Wow! You are so talented. I hope you feel well today and get to do something fun and creative.
Liz A. said…
Love the key ring idea. I liked to pick up earrings from my travels, but stopped that sometime in my 20s. (About the time I stopped wearing earrings.)
Anonymous said…
I love the key rings and rocks. I love the quotes on your doors, too. You are talented!
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Sally said…
Your collection of key rings, and how you show them - wonderful!

There was a time I collected bells - I ended up with quite a few from family and friends who travelled. I especially love the one my dad brought me from his home state of Kentucky. :)

Your doors are lovely!

Jeanie said…
I like how you share the memories of your trips and keep them at hand. It's a very clever thing to do!
Debbie said…
the key rings are a good choice for souvenirs!! i have a rock garden as well. i think i told you i have trouble with the painting fading off, even though i have sealed them!!!
Ann Thompson said…
Nice way to display the key rings. That's an awesome idea with the rocks too. I like the way your doors look, another good idea

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