Racing to Memphis - Brian

Couple weeks ago I got a
facebook chat from Tamya.
She is a friend of Brian's
and has been for 46 years.
She wanted to tell me
she was having a going
away get together
for Brian who is
making a major change in
his life and wanted
to invite me and ask
did I know anyone else
to invite.


This is one WILD and OLD group.
Some of this group has been together for
years. I was introduced into the group
in my late teens when Barbara (green top)
and her hubby Phil got married.
I met Brain then.
I was the Maiden of Honor
and Brian was in the wedding party

Okay, so this WILD and OLD
bunch can be silly.

and serious....

This is group.
Below you will find a pic of
one of my best friends...
Barbara Ware.
To the left of her is her hubby
Phil Ware. When Phil married
Barb he adopted me as a
good friend.
To the right of Barb is

Okay so this is me and Brian.
Now like I said before, I met Brian at
Barb and Phil's wedding.
We reconnected over facebook
a few years ago.
Yep, we went out and hung
out together and became
really close.
I am going to miss him.
He is a sweetie.

Pic below is Alan, Brain
and Steve.

This is Buford in the purple,
When we hung out together
he was known as Big Belly
His adorable wife Kathy.
And Brian.

Brian's great niece.

His friend for 46 years, Tanya.

Tanya's daughter.

Brain and Steve (Brother)

Jim on the left and David on the right.
I also met David at Barb and
Phil's wedding. He was a party of the
wedding party and him and I
dated for a bit after the wedding.

We met at Logans in the party room for
this get together.

This is Brain's family.

And this is Barb laughing at me cause
the cake icing turned my tongue
dark blue.

Yes, our friend is racing off to Memphis.
His son and daughter in law
live there and Brian has
3 wonderful and beautiful
grandchildren. He wants to be
closer, he wants to play grandpa
more often.

We wish you all the best
We love you and we will
miss you.

Thanks for stopping in,


Darla M Sands said…
Looks like a fabulous group! I hope his move works out well. Sometimes older folks move to be with family and end up stranded when the younger generation is forced to relocate for employment. I'm sure it's fairly rare, though. I just remember reading that; it really stuck with me as a minor tragedy.

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