Plants for Years

A hardy plant. Don't need a lot
love caring for.
Plant and throw a little water on now
and again and it grows....
and spreads.
Hence the reason I now have some in the front also.
Not to mention what I have given away!
I got this plant from a woman that used to watch
my children. Granny Pat started keeping my son
when he was 17 months old.....he will soon
be 28. I have had this plant about 25 or 26 yrs now.
I dug it up and brought it with me when I moved to the
house I live in now.
Got this from a sweet woman I worked with
in the Pre Press section of the Printing
Division for the State of TN.
Going to my a guess on this one...
I have had it about 20 yrs now.

Got two of these from my supervisior
when I worked in Printing in
She dug them up and brought them in, by the
time I got them home the leaves looked like
lettuce that someone poured bacon grease on.
Was not sure they would make it....but they did.
Started with two, one each side of the Crepe Myrtle,
I now have five of them and I have even dug
some up and given them away.
Thanks Tennia, I have enjoyed
these plants for yrs.
Now....let me see, how many years?
About 17 years.

All the above blooms are from the same two bushes.
This last bloom is from a bush I purchased later at
Kids on the Block fund raiser.
(puppets that teach kids about life)
I purchased that about 6 years ago.

Wow, this stuff GROWS and SPREADS.
Rub a leave between your fingers and it smells
like Lemon Pledge.
You can cook with it yet I never have.
I got this from Debbie Brewer...
wow, probably right around
20 years ago.

Also from Debbie Brewer
Got this about 25 or 26 years ago.
I also had this planted at my other place
and brought it with me when I moved.
In the late summer to early fall this
will bloom a pinky purple color about
2 weeks before our first cold snap.
A couple of years ago I bought a rusty red
version of this. Hoping it will bloom this yr.

Debbie Brewer....again! LOL..
she always had one of everything!
This lines one side of my drive.
Got probably 20 to 22 yrs ago.

Cool story behind this bush.
I only planted it 2 summers ago.
Had another one but the guy mowing cut
it down....oops!
Anyway, I got the sprout from some coming
up at my mom's house. She has several.
Her original sprout came from a bush
my grandfather had in his yard in Gerorgia.
Not sure when mom started the first bush but
my grandfather has been gone a long time.
I want to say I was in the 10th grade when we lost him....
and I am now.....oh never mind that! wrong, just checked with my mom and
we lost granddaddy in 1973.
Anyway....I love having this growing next
to my front porch and knowing just where this started.

Next and last...
This first pic was taken from my 2nd
story window.....give you an idea of the height
of it. I got this bush and another one from
a lady I worked with in Printing. I gave one
to my neighbor. Mine is pink and her's is
purple. Michelle gave me this bush, just a
small sprout the year before the terrible
tornados hit downtown Nashville in
1998. I would have given it back to her
since she lost a lot of her bushes that day but
it had already grown so much and it would have
been hard to move.
So I have had this baby since 97, 18 years...
and it has grown!!

Thanks for stopping in,


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