
Showing posts from June, 2013

Flowers in the Yard

These I have planted around my mail box. They bloomed in April into May. I also have my daylilies around the mailbox. Playing with an effect on the computer. The bloom of my hosta My hydrangea bushes. Funny, there are only 2 bushes and they will bloom pink, blue, and purple. I love them. Yuca plant. Hosta with firefly Yuca plant again  Whoops had to throw this in....rain drops dropping into the creek. And my hydrangea blooms. Thanks for stopping in, Pam

Friday Evening Sunset on Old Hickory Lake

Last Friday evening I was thinking that it would be a great sunset evening on the lake. Grabbed my camera and a friend that is a photographer and out we went. What a beautiful sunset it was. This one with the ducks is my fav. It did turn out to be a great evening for photographing the sunset. Thanks for stopping in, Pam

Shopping with Pam

I am not a shopper. I like to go in and get what I need and get out. But now there are those times that I like to just go in, no shopping in mind and just walk around looking at everything esp. in Old Time Pottery, Michael's and my fav Hobby Lobby! Yesterday during lunch my co worker and I went to Old Time Pottery cause she was looking for something....I went for the fun. During my walk through the store. I joined a band.   Then I had to get Cindy in on the act! Thanks for stopping in, Pam

DuPont High School Reunion Picnic

Wow.....35 years ago this month I graduated from high school. Seems forever ago but yet I have to also ask where those years went. Today, June 15, 2013 DuPont High School had it's Alumni Picnic. All graduating classes. The oldest one I saw there was a woman that graduated in 1947. I have never heard of a school that has what our school has. The get togethers, the Alumni folks, the fun, and the connection. I feel so honored that I am part of that group. The school, now a Middle School was open for us to go in and look around.     At the end of this hall, right side was my art class and it's still and art class!          The last time I stood on this football field I was graduating. That was June 1978.     Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and the fixings. Including watermelon.     There was one or two food fights in this room.   Melody- sweetest lady....

June 2013

In the past I have had some of my pictures displayed in the local Town Planner Calendar. But this year I have a picture in a calendar that the State of Tn. Printing Division put out for other local agencies and for state employees. State employees were asked to turn in photos that were taken between a certain date and they would be judged to go in the calendar. I did not have a lot to pick from because the dates they were asking for fell at the time I had shoulder surgery and had been told not to pick up the camera! But I did have a couple that were taken right at the beginning of the time frame. I turned in about 10 I think and this one was picked for June. Old Hickory Lake in Old Hickory TN. The Chief Photographer and the Director of Printing were among the judges, both of whom I have worked under, but they were blind judging, no names were seen by them. I am honored that I had one picked. Thanks for stopping in, Pam

My Fav Thank You Card

My niece Holly graduated last month and yesterday I got a thank you card in the mail from her.... Is that not the sweetest thing? Thanks for stopping in, Pam

Breaking and Entering

I have been known for years to help out when a family member goes out of town and I watch either the animals. It has turned in to be more than a laugh or two while doing this. The last time I watched my oldest brother's house I had issues with the BIRD! You can find that story here In the past I have had one of his dogs cut his leg open while out on the property running. I have had his dog run off at my house and had to go looking for him. But the worst was keeping his bird (another one) at my house once and it got out, not out of the cage but out of the houseā€¦ was gone! Keeping my families pets has been an adventure to say the least. This past week I had been feeding my youngest brothers dog. This dog just turned up at Mark's house a few years ago, dirty and lost. Mark fed it and the dog started to trust him. The dog has pitbull in him and I am not big on trust where those dogs are con...

The Roadway Find - Made Pretty

  Several months ago I found a cute little plant stand on the side of the road to be thrown out with the trash.   I had a before pic....but like I said, that was several months ago, where I file that is beyond me...   This little stand was cherry, the top had a few water stains on it, a few scrapes...but it just needed a little love and paint.   Again, several months ago I picked up some small whoops sample paints at Lowes, only 50 cents each.       Primed the stand, put this little teal color on it and then some darker on the legs. I thought it still needed something so I went with circles. Dark teal and cream color.   All left to do is a sealer and it will be ready to go. This is a piece I will add to the art crawl this fall. I have several more to work on before that time.   Thanks for stopping in, Pam