My Outing
I have been out of commission
for a little bit and I owe
it all to the FLU!
Wow, wicked stuff. I had
my flu shot in October and as
always I was thinking I was in
the clear. NOT this time.
I was at work on Friday when
it hit.....right out of the clear
blue sky. Sunday I went to
a walk in clinic and had the
SWAB done. It was positive.
And I am thinking that is way to
much work for me.
I would love to have one
of these in my kitchen.
Monday the fever was gone. I
thought I would be fine then.
Tuesday, felt fine, just Iweak.
So then on Wed. I went to work.
Two hours later, I was on my
way home.
I took the rest of the week
off. Today is Sunday, I
ventured out.
Weak, but feeling well. I
went to two indoor
flea markets.
The last one about done
me in. But I enjoyed
being able to get out.
50 degrees and sunny.
Love this, but there is
no way I could do my
laundry on this.
Butter anyone?
Make it yourself!
And I am thinking that is way to
much work for me.
I would love to have one
of these in my kitchen.
Rig this baby for electric and
that would
be so cool.
When I was growing up
my mom had two little
lamps, brass looking
with paper like shades.
Not sure, need to check into
this thought but my
Dad may have gotten them
in Japan..
They had prisms like
this hanging around them.
I use to take them off the
lamp and hook them in my ear
so I looked like I had these
really cool earrings.
Mom is going to pull them out
of the closet
for me.....COOL.
Remember when?
You know, before digital?
Be so cool to have these
on a book shelve.
That is only part of my day
but it was so nice to be
Thanks for stopping in,
Come visit again.