Happy Birthday Markie

This is the shot.....the shot where Mark
realizes that he has been gotten!

My sis in law, Kim, Mark's wife planned a
small get together with some of
Mark's special friends and
close family at Longhorn's
Steak House for a SURPRISE B-day

LOL.....this next shot is my youngest brother
Mark AKA Markie being himself!
I love it.

Mark's birthday was actually on Friday
but since he had to work that day Mom had
the normal B-day dinner at her house
the night before. Mark being comical
said all bithday boys should have a b-day hat.
So........he got a bowl out and wore it.

So....I decided that Mark needed a hat for the
party on Sat. This is what I came up

And like I knew he would, he has no problems
putting it on and wearing it for everyone
to see. I love it.

Mark has this thing about messing with the
little ones in the family. He picks and carrys
on with them..with that said, most of them when
they are little just don't know how to take him.
That has not changed with this newer generation.
That is our great nephew crying at Mark!

Then there was the cake. I decided he had
to have An Over the Hill cake.....so, I baked
a chocolate (his fav) sheet cake....but what to
so for a hill. I baked a yellow bundt cake and
cut it in half for the hill. Using one of my grandsons
car's for the top of the hill and purchasing candles-50
I managed to turn out with this.

Being silly as he is about to blow out his candles.

I think everyone had a great time....except
maybe Cole, our great nehpew! LOL....
Mark told Kim (wife) that we really got
him, he had no idea.

I also want to throw in here that Mark is one
of my followers to my blog. He never leaves
a comment but he views and reads my blog
at least several times a week. Thank you Mark.
I hope you had a great b-day and I love you.

Thanks for stopping in,


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