Family at Mark's Party

If you read the two post before this you will
have already met my youngest brother Mark.

This is him when he realized he had been gotten
with the surprise of the party!

The dark haired lady being hugged is my sis in law
and Mark's wife, Kim.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know
that this is my sweet niece, Holly.
She belongs to Mark and Kim.

Now this woman is my other sis in law, Lori and
her grandson, Coleman...I call
him Cole.

And Cole got around, this is him with his great
grandmother, mine and Mark's mom.

There is Cole again....and his dad, Chase.
Chase is my nephew but it appears that
I got NO good pics of Chase...

Cole was loving the cake for sure.

Meet Chase's wife, Susan, and Coles
mom. See, he went from one person to the

Once again, Cole was in someone elses arms.
This of course is my grandson Caleb holding
Cole. They enjoyed each other so much.

And here Cole was not at all happy.

But with the cake....he was happier.

 Thanks for stopping in,


Happy belated birthday to Mark! It sure does look like everyone had a great time! (especially cole)


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