Nana's Day Out With the Boys

Last Sunday I planned a day out with my grandbabies and my daughter. We were going to a friends house to see her animals. Kim was very nice to invite us up to play wiht the animals. This is my youngest grandson, Braden. He is 1.5 yrs. old. We were in my daughters van on the way up so I snapped a pic of each one of the boys. This is Braden's new smile. And meet DJ. He is my middle grandson. He is 3.5 yrs. old. He was in the very back of the van and trying to see out the front. I noticed when I uploaded the pics that DJ had his hand out the window! Caleb, my oldest grandson. He is 11.5 yrs old. He was not to happy at this point cause Nana did not bring the ipod for him to play with. But this look changed soon enough. This is one of the first sights we saw when pulling in at Kim's house. cute. This is the female Elvira. There is a male named Zippy. Braden took to the goats and my no fear ...