~ Braden ~ One Year Old

My youngest grandson
Braden turned one year
old on September 20.

He was a bit excited!

I love it!

When my grandson,
Caleb was born I started making
and decorating his birthday cakes.
So when brother DJ came along I
started the same thing with him.
Well, of course Nana could not do
it for the other two and not Braden!

First let me go on record as saying
that mixing icing colors is not anything
like mixing oils to paint with....
And I really don't like doing it,
or even making icing...

But, I hope that one day
when I am gone, my grandson's
can look back and remember
the special cakes I made for
just them on their b-day!

With that said, let me show you
Bradens first cake~

Took 2 cakes mixes,
3- 8 inch square pans
icing and colors....

Icing between each layer and
stacked on top of each other to
make it high so it would
favor a block.

This is Mommy ligthing the
candle in hopes of Braden
blowing it out...
that did not happen.

And this is Bradens first look
at his special cake. Loved
that reaction!
To sweet.

Then he starts grabbing for
the cake as Mommy brings
it close to him...

and he got
his finger in the icing!

Then he dives in!

Braden, enjoying his first special
cake from Nana.

for stopping in,


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