Day 1 - March 30, 2011 - THE BIRDS
Yes, I decided to go for it again....
another 365 days of posting something!
So today I start out with BIRDS.
And this post is for my friend P2..
more wildlife from my backyard P2.
Came home yesterday afternoon from work and
spotted this really BIG bird in the backyard at
the end of the drive. I only noticed him cause
he was big and I knew he was not my regular
I ran in and got the camera and tried
to get close but before moving in
on him I got this shot...he was eating
on what I think was a small bird cause
I found the feathers. I know its
not a great shot but I think it
is a hawk?
Apparently Mr. I think he is a hawk has
moved in around me somewhere cause
this evening as I pulled into the drive
again, I noticed him sitting in the tree over
the drive. Went in for the camera but he
got away.
Next I watched this Chickadee land
on a branch so I went after him with
my lens.
Beautiful red bird just sitting pretty for me.
And here is a male and female red bird....sitting
in a tree, first come love, second comes marriage
then comes Ms. Red Bird with a baby carriage!
See what I mean? So glad I caught this shot
only I wished I had a more power lens.
Thanks for stopping in,