The Rest of Today
After my trip to town today, visit with the doc, stopping and picking up breakfast I headed home. I had dropped Dakota off at mom's for the day. He was going to spend the day playing with Klohe and Cheyenne. While he was hanging at mom's Lily and I chilled all day. So much to do but I can't seem to get it in gear. Later....I had an apt for a hair cut. But I left out early to stop at the Mystic Heart. I picked up some healing stones there. Entering the store I read this sign... haha Then while in there I saw this sign. From there I headed to see Kelley, my hair stylist. This is what I was shooting for. Course, it will look different on me due to hair color and texture of hair. I am good with it. I got to Heads Up a bit early so Kelley still had a young boy she was working on and his dad after h...
popping in to welcome you to the circle of bliss! sorry it took me so long to get over here.. the circle is growing fast! some inspiring ladies, and lots of fun! hope to see ya in my random neighborhood sometime! :)
blessings, -tracie