Day 286 - January 5, 2011 - My OZ Collection

Linking up with Missy and others at

My favorite movie growing up and still today is the
Wizard of Oz. So much so that for my 50th birthday
last February the theme was the Wizard of Oz. Flying
monkeys hanging from the ceiling to a yellow brick
road as I came into the office and straight to the
door of my office.

Awesome huh?

Then there was the poster of the Wicked Witch with
my face added to it.

And a great cake.....check this out!

But with that said I wanted to share my collection of Oz
things with you.
From the plaste that my Mother got me years ago. These
muscial plates came from Bradford Exchange.

To my Oz dolls that McDonalds put in their Happy Meals
a few years back. I managed to get them all except for
the lion......missing that roar.

This next item is something I have had for over 20 years.
It is a bathroom cup holder....neat.

One year for Christmas my children, Amber and Cory
got me the new released verison of the Wizard of Oz.
We have a copy we watch but this one here is my un-opened

A gift from the girls I work with on that memory packed
50th birthday, Toto in his basket.

My Mom picked this book up for me at a yard sale.
I actually read it and it tells about the real life of Terry..
AKA Toto.

Another yard sale book.

And if I am not mistaken this cardboard frame also
came from a yard sale.

One of my prized pieces is a small globe that my niece Holly picked
up for me on a school trip to New York I think......I love this

Isn't it so nice?
Next is another gift I got at work.In this game you
have to locate items that are mixed in with the beads.
You have to locate the heart, the ruby slipper and so
much more.

These TV guides went out a few years ago...since I did not
get the guide I was only able to collect two of these.

Another favorite of mine are my glasses. My daughter who just
turned 30 was a baby when Krystal's offered these for $1.00 (I
think) when you bought a large coke. Managed to get them all.

Yes, another birthday gift from the Lollipop Gang.... I mean the
girls at work!

This comes from a good friend, Theresa. She gave this to
me for a Christmas gift one year. To so neat
in the kitchen but I can't use it! lol

Next comes with cards I have gotten along the way.

From work

And these are plastic rings you wear on your fingers, these
were lined up in front of my cake from work.

Magnets, given to me from Theresa.

That about sums it up.
Oh wait, except for my picture of a ruby slipper......
I was shopping at Penney's one day and ran across this.

Thanks for stopping in,


You have a wonderful collection! My kids gave me the Blu-Ray movie for Christmas~ so pretty! Hopped over from My Cottage Charm...
I love it when people have a passion for something fun and out of the ordinary. What a great office you work in too.
Thanks so much for linking up to my Treasures and Trinkets party...sorry it's taken me a couple of days to get over here, we've had heating issues. :) You can read all about that on my blog if you'd like! lol
You have a fantastic Wizard of Oz fun! I have a friend who loves the wizard of oz as well..she has LOADS of stuff. I adore the McDonalds dolls..hope you can find the lion too! (maybe on Ebay??)
Have a great week

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