Day 279 - December 29, 2010 - Growing Bubbles

My brother has recently moved into an older ranch style
type home that he and his son, Chase, gutted and redid.
And beautifully I must add.

I was going to be house/animal sitting for my brother
and sister in law but before heading out Lori (SIL)
went over some operational aspects of the home.
How the microwave worked, the stove, the
tv controls, the five sprayer shower....but when
she got to the tub, she laughed and basically told
me I was on my own.

Later that evening I decided that I wanted
to take my book, run some water in the tub, add
some bubbles and lay back in this to read.....

I planned to settled back to relax, which by the way, is not my style
to lay back in a tub to read and relax....but give it a try I would.

I ran my water.....

and added bubbles..

Laid back and picked up the controls. Yes, controls to the tub. Now
I know why Lori pretty much told me I was on my own.

Lights came on under the water......

and they changed colors.

So I decided to turn the water jet whirlpool thingys. There
were buttons with pictures next to them but no real directions
on what button did I had to play with it. I got it
Then the bubbles started to grow so I thought I would try
and turn it down some......
and the bubbles grew.....
I finally got it set on a timer where it would go off and back on...
but I never got it to turn down....
and the bubbles grew, and grew, and grew....
and I laughed and laughed sitting there in that tub!

Finally after the bubbles were up and growing over the tub and
covering everything but my head, I got it turned off. I gave
up on my book and the relaxing part of the bubble bath only to
realize that I was so covered in
off to the shower I went.

Thanks for stopping in, please leave a comment so I know
you were here.


Brooke said…
Lol! Love that it ended with a shower. :) Happy New Year!

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