Day 148 - August 16, 2010 - For Winter Warmth

I really dislike wearing coats in the winter time but
you need something so I will wear a jacket and
usually a scarf to keep the cold from going
down the back.

I have a fav jacket that is warm but I needed
a matching scarf. So I went through my yarn
and came up with this....

Worked on it for several hours and this is where I got....
still working

and I had to get some close up shots of me working on it.
actually I was just showing off my ring, here is another
pic of me working on the project.

and here is the jacket I wanted to match too.

The project with the jacket....pretty close in color.
The little bit of ivory color picks up the inside
of the jacket, which by the way, can be reversed.

Thanks for stopping by....


Cass @ That Old House said…
Sweet! What a perfect accessory to that jacket. Is that "afghan stitch" you are using? I am more of a knitter, haven't crocheted in years and would need a refresher course!

Beautiful -- now you need the weather to wear it. I find I always get the urge to knit in August -- I think it's a nesting thing, getting ready for the winter.

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