Been Falling Behind with My Blogging

Yes, I have been MIA and falling behind.
Spring has sprung and I am sure you all can
relate. Things to do, sunshine and fun to

There is the extra added outdoor work....
Flower beds!

Weeds....I must admit, I hire the mowing done. But
still, its spring and it requires more time out with
the camera!

Having to deal with new spring like critters.

Attending store openings. Check out my photo
blog for more pics at
or check them out of seaof silverandsass on
they are hoping to set up a way for you
folks to order on line also.

Helping my Mom with her yardsale, the one that was
in the works and the making for over 3 yrs.

Attending my nieces play. They did Singing in the Rain.

Course there is the housework inside that can't be
neglected for long, laundry and spring cleaning....
There was so much that I wanted to do over the
winter months that went undone but there were
a few things I was able to do....
I worked on some crafts.

I worked on some paintings.

But...with spring here and going into summer....
there will not be much of that done now.
Thank you for stopping in,


Unknown said…
Beautiful photos! And boy are you busy! It sounds like a lot of fun things keeping you that way though!
Pam D said…
My blogging seems to go in cycles; sometimes I put up post after post, and other times I go for weeks. I have discovered that if I go for longer than a few days, it gets harder and harder to get back into it. Of course, right now you'll need to be focusing on flood cleanup, right? Wow. I'm waiting for you to post THOSE pics...

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