To Newer Friends that Have Come Into My Life

Yesterday I posted about long standing friends
and today I wanted to post
about newer friends. These are friends I have
made in the last few years, some
with the last year. These are the people that
will just drift into my life and be
gone in no time at all, I do believe these will
be friends that will be around for

There is Theresa. She has been in a couple of my
blogs along the way. I met
her almost three years ago when she came to
Photo Services to work (where
I worked before coming to the TBI). Theresa
was a throw back from the older
Photo Services days, this meaning, she was a
photographer that worked there
once before.

She came into that office working with a big staff
of three (3)! It seemed as if
Phil, her and I hit it off really well. We would all
do lunches together and sometimes
there would be a drink or two after work. Theresa
and I have continued to stay in
contact since I left. She lives near me, we have a
lot in common, two of which are
eating and photography! We do dinner maybe
once a week or at least once every other
week and we do festivals with our camera's together.
Glad she has become my friend.

Then there would be Nancy. This is a different kind
of friend, at least to me but maybe
not so different to today's standards. I met Nancy
via the internet and a site dedicated to
mom's, Grandmom's, Dad's, Aunt's, Uncles..etc.. for
sharing pics of their families. This site
closed in December but it was called Clubmom. I have
been able to keep in touch with a lot
of those Mom's by way of Facebook these days. But
Nancy, my cousin, Kathy and I have
shared private email address and phone numbers. I
met her almost two years ago on CM and
she even traveled to TN from Ohio to visit me in May.
That was our first actual meeting.

Nancy, Kathy and I have the photography thing in
common. Kathy being great with photographing
people but mostly kids. Nancy being really good at staging
and set up of shots for greeting cards
and I do nature the best. Nancy is a loving and caring
person that is very dedicated to her family.
She has been a good friend to me in the past two years
and I am lucky to call her my friend.

Then there is Deborah and Cindy. Oh my gosh, these
to two women are a MESS. I met them just
over a year ago when I went to work with the TBI.
These two women excepted me as the third
secretary, their side kick, THE WOMAN, with open
arms. We all have our own kind of humor and
we all play it off each other so well. With the type of
work we do laughter is a must in our office,
these ladies help to bring that much needed laughter
to my job and my laugh. They say laughter is
the best medicine and if that be the case, I will
probably never be ill!

Cindy nicely told me the other day that it was like they
were a puzzle and I was the missing piece.
I came right into the unit and I fit right into that missing
spot! What an awesome compliment! I think
these two women will be in my life for a long time to come.
Thanks ladies, you have proven to be very
caring, loving and there several times for me lately. And
Deborah, thanks for the prayers and the one
you sit in my office and held my hand and said for me
that day! Love you ladies.

These are some of the friends that have recently come
into my life, ones that I feel will be
a part of my life for a while, and for some reason, if they
are not, at least I know each one of
them came for a reason and they touched my life in a
very important way.

Thanks for stopping in,


Pam D said…
Yep, you're definitely blessed with friends (and, from your last Facebook entry, with squirrels again, too!). Old, new... what really matters is that YOU are such a good friend. I hope they all visit your blog to read your tributes to them!
Emily said…
Good friends are priceless...especially ones that bring perspective and humor to your life. Sounds like you're well blessed!

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