Memories - My Granny
This is my Granny. Wasn't she a pretty lady?
My Grandmother has been gone now for
twenty two years, this past February. I
was twenty seven years old when I lost
her and to this day I still miss her. Even
at that age I was young and to dumb even
though I was expecting my second child to
realize how important she was and how much
history she carried with her. I wished I had sit
with her and recorded events in her life, her
childhood, her life as a married woman and her
life as she raised seven children. I wished I had
the wisdom to have done that.
Granny, me and my daughter, Amber
My Granny was not a hugging sort of person, but
you knew she loved you, you knew it with every
little thing she did for you. I lived out of town and
do not have the daily memories my cousin’s have
but I have some really special ones that I will carry
with me always.
One memory, if we happen to be making a trip to
Georgia around my birthday she would want to know
what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday. I
remember telling her once I wanted a chocolate
pie, and it was there waiting for me when I got there.
Or the banana sandwiches she would make for me.
For some reason, hers was always the best, made
with that special ingredient, love, I guess.
My biggest memory is the Sunday afternoon dinners.
Wow, that woman could put on a spread. Always had
a ton of food for all my aunts, uncles and cousins that
came over after church. It was all so great.
My Granny was an easy going woman, I can’t
remember a time that I heard her raise her voice
to any of us. She always had tea and coke at her
house. And when we lost her she had her seven
children, 19 grandchildren and without me doing
research I can’t tell you how many great grandkids
at the time. I know my daughter was 6 at the time,
and I know there were more. Granddaddy had left
us several years before that, I was in high school when
he died of lung cancer. I am lucky to have had my
Granny as long as I did but like I said, I only wished
I had written down some of her history. She saw so
much change in her life and all I needed to do was sit
and share that time with her.
I also remember my Granny’s house. She had the
neatest porch out front. Okay, it was no better then
any other porch but to me it was special. It was
covered, had those old metal chairs and a glider on
it. The house was white and at one point there was
ivy that grew up and over the entrance of the porch.
It always stayed cool on that porch even when it was
so hot. And for the longest time, it was cooler to be
out doors because Granny had no air conditioning.
I could not even think about sleeping these days without
That is Ivy growing up over the entrance
My cousin, Kathy and I sat on this porch a many a days
and played the car game. Sitting right there on that
glider. She got points for cars that came from her
side, I got them from cars that came from my side.
Kids games to pass the day. But, when Kathy could
not be around, Laddie and I spent time on that porch.
Laddie being a reddish color outside dog that
Granddaddy and Granny had. I would just sit and
rub him and talk with him. You see there were no
kids to play with around there and Granny’s house
sit on a 2 lane highway. The airport owned the
property across the street. Recently my cousin
drove down Sullivan Road to find that the highway
had changed and the curves and route was not the
same, and my Granny’s home was no longer there.
A piece of my history gone, a sad thought but I
know that I carry my memories with me just the
Memories, we need to hold them dear and near to
us, but we also need to make as many as we can
with the ones we love before they leave us.
Thanks for stopping in and sharing my memories.
Please leave a comment with your memories.
This is my Granny's house that was taken in 94,
years after sheleft us. The house was painted green
then and was being used as storage from the
builder next door. Just seeing it in a different
color changes the way I remember it.

twenty two years, this past February. I
was twenty seven years old when I lost
her and to this day I still miss her. Even
at that age I was young and to dumb even
though I was expecting my second child to
realize how important she was and how much
history she carried with her. I wished I had sit
with her and recorded events in her life, her
childhood, her life as a married woman and her
life as she raised seven children. I wished I had
the wisdom to have done that.

My Granny was not a hugging sort of person, but
you knew she loved you, you knew it with every
little thing she did for you. I lived out of town and
do not have the daily memories my cousin’s have
but I have some really special ones that I will carry
with me always.
One memory, if we happen to be making a trip to
Georgia around my birthday she would want to know
what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday. I
remember telling her once I wanted a chocolate
pie, and it was there waiting for me when I got there.
Or the banana sandwiches she would make for me.
For some reason, hers was always the best, made
with that special ingredient, love, I guess.
My biggest memory is the Sunday afternoon dinners.
Wow, that woman could put on a spread. Always had
a ton of food for all my aunts, uncles and cousins that
came over after church. It was all so great.
My Granny was an easy going woman, I can’t
remember a time that I heard her raise her voice
to any of us. She always had tea and coke at her
house. And when we lost her she had her seven
children, 19 grandchildren and without me doing
research I can’t tell you how many great grandkids
at the time. I know my daughter was 6 at the time,
and I know there were more. Granddaddy had left
us several years before that, I was in high school when
he died of lung cancer. I am lucky to have had my
Granny as long as I did but like I said, I only wished
I had written down some of her history. She saw so
much change in her life and all I needed to do was sit
and share that time with her.
I also remember my Granny’s house. She had the
neatest porch out front. Okay, it was no better then
any other porch but to me it was special. It was
covered, had those old metal chairs and a glider on
it. The house was white and at one point there was
ivy that grew up and over the entrance of the porch.
It always stayed cool on that porch even when it was
so hot. And for the longest time, it was cooler to be
out doors because Granny had no air conditioning.
I could not even think about sleeping these days without

My cousin, Kathy and I sat on this porch a many a days
and played the car game. Sitting right there on that
glider. She got points for cars that came from her
side, I got them from cars that came from my side.
Kids games to pass the day. But, when Kathy could
not be around, Laddie and I spent time on that porch.
Laddie being a reddish color outside dog that
Granddaddy and Granny had. I would just sit and
rub him and talk with him. You see there were no
kids to play with around there and Granny’s house
sit on a 2 lane highway. The airport owned the
property across the street. Recently my cousin
drove down Sullivan Road to find that the highway
had changed and the curves and route was not the
same, and my Granny’s home was no longer there.
A piece of my history gone, a sad thought but I
know that I carry my memories with me just the
Memories, we need to hold them dear and near to
us, but we also need to make as many as we can
with the ones we love before they leave us.
Thanks for stopping in and sharing my memories.
Please leave a comment with your memories.
This is my Granny's house that was taken in 94,
years after sheleft us. The house was painted green
then and was being used as storage from the
builder next door. Just seeing it in a different
color changes the way I remember it.
