Julia and Julie Movie

I would say for a woman this would be a
must see movie but then again if you
don’t see it, it’s not like you missed the
masterpiece of the century. Honestly,
I liked it a lot. It was a funny and entertaining
movie. So glad I took the time to go see it.

Meryl Streep who I think is a fantastic and
talented actress did a wonderful job playing
Julia Child in movie. Meryl Streep is very
talented in her ability to perform a variety
of different characters. I have enjoyed watching
her over the years and this performance was no
different. Well done.

Amy Adam’s played Julie Powell and she did a
really good job also. I don’t feel that she is the
actress that Meryl is but then again, she has not
been at it as long as Meryl has either. She played
her part in this movie well and added her humor to it.

The only thing I could say that I see wrong with
this movie is that if Julie Powell had actually cooked
(or if I had) all that rich, French style food and ate
it for 365 days…she would not have retained that
small tiny waist line that she started with! If she
did…wow, more power to her!

My friend Theresa and I took in the morning showing
of the movie a week ago, then we did lunch. For a
girls day out I recommend taking a friend and
seeing the movie, taking in lunch or dinner…or
maybe shopping.

Enjoy it and stop back by to let me know that
you thought of it.


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Its So Very Cheri
Emily said…
I thought that movie looked cute in the previews and kind of want to see it! I did wonder whether or not they would make her gain weight, though!

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