Work Around the House
Laundry room doors I hung
I learned back sometime ago when I was a newly married
woman and mom (yes, it was really a long time ago),
and money was always short that when things needed
doing you could not always hire them to be done.
I married at the young age of 20, had my first child
at 20 and I knew how to basically boil water, not much
more then that. Over the years of marriage, two kids
and a divorce I taught myself to cook, clean and tackle
a lot of other things, like home repairs. Now keep in
mind, there are some things I will not or can not take
on, but for the most part if my back will allow, I will try it.
When I left home I had never yielded a paint brush to
a wall before, I soon got over that and I could not tell
you the many walls and ceiling I have painted in the
years since. But as those years went on I tackled cabinets,
with the sander, primer and paint. I have laid floor, hung
wallpaper, stripped wallpaper, changed washers, hung
doors and even changed out a faucet. Although I do not
mess with electricity though. I caulk, I saw, I sand, I
drill, I hammer…..
Some of this may not be near what some of you
women do, some of it may be a lot more then what
some of you women do. But…as I sit here and think
back on what I have taught myself since I left home…
I am proud. While I am at it lets throw in there,
changing the oil in the car and my own plugs! I don’t
do those things anymore, I can now afford to have it
done, but there was a time where I could not.
I tell you these things just because I needed to write a
blog today and I could not really come up with anything
to write about, so I thought…why not this.
You see, my daughter and grandson lived with me for
over 5 years. In those 5 years I let a lot of things go that
needed doing but I refused to do them since they really
did not take care of my home. When they moved out, I
proceeded to get going and going things.
I painted the kitchen. I laid a new floor, I took up carpet
in the hall and laid the same floor in there that led to the
bath downstairs, I even took it into the bath. I had someone
come in and lay carpet in the living room. I primed all doors,
door facing and jams as well as baseboards and I painted
them all white. I painted the whole downstairs. I then
painted the horror area of the stairwell!
The problem came with the carpet on the stairs. I really
could not afford to have new stairs put in but I wanted
the carpet gone. So…I took it off, stained part of the steps,
painted part and I found a product, peel and stick strips that
I could apply to the top part of the steps. It worked great!

health and sleep issues things started to move slower at this
time. I have only gotten the bath upstairs done at this time.
I still need to prime baseboards and paint 3 bedrooms and a
hall. I have carpet for one room to lay and a floor for the craft
room to lay. But I did get the bathroom done in May.
I primed and painted it. Did the cabinet also. Did some
I primed and painted it. Did the cabinet also. Did some
repairs, laid a floor. I still need some help with getting a
new faucet and sink in, I can’t seem to get the old faucet
off. Yikes….Looks like this will be a hire job.
Next room that I need to work on will be my grandson’s
Next room that I need to work on will be my grandson’s
room. I have been promising to paint it and I really need
to get that done for him. But all in good time. Rate I am
moving though, I will probably get it done and it will be
time to start all over again! NO WAY!
I pulled all the nasty carpet off from the previous owners and now the stairs are just sitting there looking not so pretty.
Great job!