To The Market for My Watermelon!

Last Saturday I went to the Franklin Tn., Farmers
Market that sets up behind the Factory Mall on
Saturdays. I had never been before, but my
friend Theresa wanted to go and I decided
that I would like to ride along.

When I say ride along, that is about the extent
of it. I don’t cook much so buying up a bunch
of stuff is not something I do since it usually
goes to rot before I get it used or put up in the
freezer. Now, let me just say, I use to cook every
night when I had kids that lived at home. My
kids got a cooked breakfast almost daily, except
maybe once a week where they had cereal. They
got dinner cooked at home every night except
maybe once a week where we would have burgers
or something. Usually we would do a place where
it was 5 burgers for $5 or something like that.
When you are raising two kids as a single Mom
and money is tight you just don’t have the eat
out money all the time.

My daughter moved out when she was 18 and
my son when he was 12…yes, 12. He moved in
with his Dad. My home was empty for the first
time and I got into the bad habit of not cooking
or stopping here and there and picking up things
to eat. My daughter and my grandson moved back
with me in Oct. 2001. I told my daughter that I did
not cook much but she knew where the kitchen was.
About a week later she came to me and said “Mom,
you said you did not cook much, you did not tell me
that you did not cook at all!”

Okay, I really said all that just because I got off the
subject of the market!! LOL….

Anyway, at the market I did pick me up some home
grown fresh tomato’s, garlic (which keeps awhile in
the frig. and it will be there when I need it…on the
rare occasion), and I got a watermelon.

I have always loved watermelon in the summertime.
I got that from my Dad. Him and I were the only
one’s in the house that liked it. Course he like salt
on his, not me, I like it fresh with nothing on it.
I have not had a good melon in several years.
Partly because of the weather I think, first a
drought, then lots of rain this spring, and alas,
I am not really that good at picking out melons.

But at the Franklin Market the other day I went
the Delvin Farms booth to get my melon. Most,
if not everything they grow is organic. I have
heard nothing but the best ever said about them,
so this is where I decided to try. Next came the
part of picking out the RIGHT one…..and
thumping them don’t tell me a thing cause
I am not so sure what I am suppose to listen
to. I asked a man that was there working and
he replied that I could not go wrong with any
of them and he ran off to help a customer with
a purchase. A very nice woman customer, looking
to purchase a watermelon herself, thumped a
couple, pointed to one and said, that would be a
good one for you. I thanked her, and so wished I
could take her with me next time I go!

I purchased my melon, $6. Waited till Tuesday to
cut it then wondered why I waited so long. It was
the reddest, juiciest, sweetest melon I have had in
years…and I mean years. I had the best taste. It
was of course a seedless which makes the experience
so much better. I have literally lived on that
melon since I cut it. That was my dinner that night,
my breakfast the next three mornings (counting today),
I have had it for lunches and for snacks and it is all
gone now! YES, I pigged out on that melon and so
wished I had more for my lunch today. I can live
on it alone, nothing else.

When eating some yesterday, my dog kept begging
…..I don’t normally feed him while he begs but I
thought…you asked for it, thinking he would not
eat it. I was so wrong, apparently he liked it as
much as I did. Darn, now I have to share my
watermelon with a dog!

Okay, I can’t make that trip to the Franklin
Market again this weekend, but downtown
Nashville is a lot closer! I have checked, since
I have only 10 minutes away from the downtown
market, I thought about going at lunch today,
but the Delvin Farm’s bunch will not be there
until tomorrow….guess that will be my early
morning rise and shine trip! I will be off to the
market, me and my little piggies!

Think I will pick up two this time, since I have
to share with the dog!

Thanks for stopping in,


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