Happy Birthday, Ray

Happy Birthday, Ray

This is our birthday month….Mark, Holly,

now Ray and then Jessy. So bear with me in
my b-day wishes.

Ray is my oldest brother. There is about

2.5 years between him and I and then 2.5
years between Mark and I. Once again, I
will not tell my brothers age since he
probably would not like that!

Ray is a business man thru and thru. He

attended college at Vol State for a year
then he went to UT Martin for several more.
He majored in accounting.

I can remember when Ray kept books at

home as a teen. He had his own log book
where he put down everything that had to
do with money. He cut yards for money then
and that was added in the plus column of this
log, then when he spent some, even a quarter,
it was logged in the minus column. If he was
just a few cents off he would figure, and
refigure and try to come up with where he
went wrong. It did not surprise me that he
decided to become a CPA.

Ray graduated from college then he moved

to Chattanooga and worked there. Only to
move back to Nashville a few years later to
work for another accounting firm. From there
he bought into a company that dealt with
telecommunications. He was Mr. Vice President.

Down the road he sold this business and

became retired in his early 40’s. But Ray
can’t be without something to work his mind.
He then went into the racing business when
my nephew, his son, Chase started racing. Ray
learned the business end of all that with no
problems and he was off and going. He also
managed Deborah Renshaw’s racing team for
a year. From this adventure he went into being
a partner for custom floors and doors, the
importing of exotic hardwood flooring, decking
and custom designed doors.

Ray has three children, Chase, Paige and Cobi.

He is married to Lori, who brought two children
to the marriage, Sean and Jessy. They have a
wide range of dogs, a cat, two birds and horses.
But at one point they had ferrets, fish, and a rabbit.

Now with that said, let me say that like Mark,

Ray has been good to his sister (me). He don’t
like for you to make a big deal of the things he
does for you. A thank you and then let it go.
Without going into all the details, lets just say
that he has helped me out more then once, more
then twice…..Thank you Ray. I hope I have always
made it a point to say those words. I also want
you to know that I mean it. You are a good
brother and a good person.

I have not mentioned the things he has done

for me but I do want to say that he has given
me to trips on a cruise ship. Thanks to him I
have probably gone places I never would have
been able to go. The first one was to the
Bahamas’s and Key West then three years
later to Cozumel, Panama and Jamaica.
Each time I was able to take this cruise
with my sister in law, Lori. Thank you Lori
also for requesting my company on these
trips you have taken. I love you both so much.

Happy Birthday Ray…….and thanks for

everything. I love you.

Thanks for stopping in for a visit,


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