
Pollen Dust, When Pigs Fly and Birds

Good morning! I woke this morning to  pouring rain. It was really coming down.  It's Friday and I am so glad I got the yard cut yesterday. Now, this is a post I wrote a few days ago. Sometimes I have several in the hopper that I wrote ahead of time and sometimes, I only have one.  I like having at least one, but sometimes I  feel lost if I write several ahead of time, I feel sort of off kilter.  haha... its the little things to  can alter your way of doing things... Stepped out on the deck the other day and just FYI, this is  not common dust, this is  POLLEN! Explains the issue with  allergies.  But explain this to me,  how does this, when inside, amount to what I have  been blowing out my nose... SERIOULY,  where does it all come  from? I got this book in the mail Wed. It was written by the sweetest lady. She worked on this  book for several years, but did no live to see it in print. SHAME. I knew Ms. Lawanda, she lived a couple doors down from Chris, the guy I dated that had the 

Morning Coffee, Snuggle Sleep, Barney, Bunny, Glasses and Love

 Tuesday morning on the  deck with my coffee and my repaired fairy.   During my move my  fairy got broken right in to. Her legs were broken right from her body. I put her in the shed, thinking that I just needed to toss her out but yesterday, I grabbed my E6000 glue and repaired her. Hoping that she holds up. After coffee I was stretching  out on the couch when I  had a visitor! And she just crawled up, curled up in my  arms and fell asleep. We sat this way for about 30 mins, long enough for her to realize she fell asleep!!! When those eyes opened, she looked glazed over a bit,  then POP UP she went! The other day I made a run to storage and stopped at the river where I found Barney waiting for me. Somedays the funny little things  are what helps to make your day. I have been seeing this next funny little thing since moving to this county, looks like a bunny head. Coming from one direction it looks like a bunny head, but its just a tree stump. Hard to take a pic traveling down the road

Bday Party and Cakes

 Family bday party for  little Miss. Felicity turned 2 on the  19th. Look at this baby! And here is Boog,  Felicity's older brother. Evie being  Evie. Such a silly mess. Felicity had to change into  one of her new dresses, with  tule on it so she could  twirl around. She is so sweet! Felicity and her dad, Caleb. I started making Caleb's  cakes when he was a  yr. Most of them are actual paper pics but here are some later ones that are digital.   I also did some for the  other two boys.    But over the yrs as the  Fibro progressed and then  Amber moved an hour away, I  stopped. But I so wanted to  do one for Felicity. 

Morning Misty Coffee, Bat, Bday Cake, Herbs and Bees

Morning with Misty... she just had to take a sniff of the coffee. Driving the other day and  I looked up into the  bright beautiful blue sky and saw a bat. Do you see it? Allergies are kicking my BUTT. Course you know that  you have to take what you  read on the internet with a grain of salt, but  I did read that if you have  seasonal allergies, they can become worse if you have had COVID. True or not, I  am a believer right now. Feeling like crap or not, I wanted to make Felicity a  bday cake. Her bday was the  19th with a party at a restaurant  in Nashville so Amber thought instead of that, she would  give her a family bday party, Sat. 4-21. I used to make all of  her Dad's cakes so I wanted to at least get one in  for Felicity. I did a bath theme. Found an adorable tub  at Dollar Tree, along with  a pack of rubber ducks and  rubber frogs.  I saw this bow for  gifts and thought it would  make a good filler for the tub. Here I added a number 2  to the cake. My kids always loved th

Lily and No Help, Mac and Cheese, Chiro, Eyes, Allergies and Misty

 This girl is a mess! Would be nice if she was  helping with laundry but NO! Later, when I went out to do my coffee and sweap the  front porch, I  was being watched. There again, help would be nice! lol Okay, bacon maybe. But broccoli in with  shells and cheese,  NOPE! Just a great way to ruin shells and cheese. Wed. was chiro day.  So being goofy I just had to take a pic of my feet  from the view of my belly.  Oh man, thought I was over the allergy part of this spring, however, I woke Thursday morning with my throat and the roof of my mouth sore. Ears, and  nose stopped up, headache, head swimming and dizzy. I had to do some thing cause I had a doc apt for my eyes that I made months ago.  Sudafed, Tylenol and  a sniff or two of saline nose spray. I got to  feeling some better. Enough to get my eyes checked. Oh then the doc had to go and dilate the eyes, which seemed to bring on  the swimming, dizzy and headache again.  But, eyes are done and I  ordered a new pair of glasses, first tim